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photo by edward moss (in aylesbury)

DAY 3: I decided to play it safe and just watched the show from a far. Not too far away, but far enough not to get hurt. I stood amongst friends, and discussed our adventures. I met some of the club members there: Jess (M_O_R_R_I_S_S_E_Y), Angie (Charming_95) and Carlos (I_threw_glasses...), and I met Charlie (Vivamoz) the day before. As I stood waiting for Morrissey, I saw someone standing at the door way near the back door of the Palladium. It was Spike, the drummer. I yelled out his name, and when he turned around, I said "I love you! You're the best!" and I blew him a kiss. (The kiss wasn't like a "oh God I want you" kiss but like a "you rock!" kiss.) He laughed and he blew one right back. I said something, but I couldn't hear it. As I stood there with Chris (sourtat), I couldn't help but think this was the last night I was going to see Morrissey...I wanted to take in every second and enjoy every bit of it. Morrissey came on, wearing that same fake black leather suit, looking all the more handsome. I sang along to every song, but when he sang "Lost", I broke down. Especially at the end of the song, when he hit the high notes, I got weak in the knees and I started to cry. I couldn't help it. "Lost", "Now My Heart Is Full", and "Last Night..." all brought tears to my eyes...I bid farewell to my love and I walked out..."the story is old, I know, but it goes on..."

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