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My Favorite G.I. Joe Links

Here is a list of my favorite G.I. Joe links. These links are a great resource for finding info on the figures & accessories. There are also links to some great custom G.I. Joe sites. If you never tried making a custom figure check out these sites. I'm sure you can think of a soldier that G.I. Joe or Cobra could have used but never had!

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My Favorite G.I. Joe Links - This is THE G.I.Joe website!
The Bivouac - A great custom G.I. Joe site! - Another great custom Joe site!
Airtight’s Hostile Enviroment - Airtight has a site full of G.I. Joe info!
G.I. Joe Checklist - A helpful site to organize your G.I. Joe collection!
Raven's Casting - This is THE place for weapons!
Porkchop's G.I. Joe page - An all-around good soldier!
General Hawk's G.I. Joe webpage - AWESOME fanfics & Great site
Mike's G.I.Joe page - Good stuff here - QUALITY Joe & other action figure merchadise
McGhiever's custom figures - These customs are a TRUE work of art! - A great place to get your G.I. Joe supplies
Yojoe Depot - Another place to get Joe supplies