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Welcome to my web page. Basically, this is where I hang around most of the time in own home. It's an honor for me to share to you a little part of my life through this technology. Do visit often. Thank you for visiting my page.
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Nurse's Prayer

Lord Jesus, 
during your short life here on earth
You went about doing good deeds,
healing the sick,
curing the blind and lame,
forgiving sinners,
even befriending them. 

By your example,
You taught us to love and care
 our less fortunate brothers and sisters.
Dear Lord, I want to thank you for my special
vocation as a nurse. I know it is a noble
profession, very pleasing to you and very
rewarding for me. I know also that much is
expected of me as a nurse.

Lord, I will do my best to be a good nurse.
I will spare no effort to conserve life, to
alleviate suffering and to promote health.
I will respect at all times, the dignity and
religious beliefs of my patients. I will refrain
from any action which might endanger life or
health. I will hold in confidence, all personal
information entrusted to me. I will endeavor
to keep at highest levels, my professional
knowledge, skills and values. Above all, Lord,
I will love you in every patient. 


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