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September 24, 2004 - Cried Myself to Sleep

Can it be? An actual update? Yeah, well I figure I might as well put something on this page before angelfire suspends it again (due to the lack of activity).

Okay, so here’s the deal: 1) Nothing has happened since the last time I wrote something on the main page, which was February 09, 2004 (man, I‘m lame). 2) I’m still gradually trying to finish/polish up the remaining (I think 4) songs for the demo. 3) As far as the demo…I don’t think it’ll be done by the end of this year.

So what now? Well, I figure this: 1) I should definitely kick myself in the ass for procrastinating, but hey, I was busy moving and starting school (I took a semester off). 2) Try to at least record maybe 3 or 4 songs and post them on-line to get some sort of feedback. 3) Fix the damn 4-track so something can be recorded.

That’s about it. I’m sorry for the huge delay of activities. I don’t even know if Chris is still a member anymore. I mean, I definitely want him to be, but I don’t know how he feels about it. Oh, and on a side note, this is a simple web page that offers info. straight and to the point. It’s not some grandiose one where I stayed up all night and used flash or whatever it is used to create web pages now-a-days. So everyone who thinks it crappy…cut me some slack. - Denneh