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To Play You Must Survive...

News-July 22/04
Well I have been asked why the page has not been updated? Well the secret is out, I have been working on an all new an improved Demoncade! This new cabinet promises to be a far superior model. Not to mention, correct many things that I did wrong in the first one! Those wondering about the fate of the original Demoncade? Well it has been disassembled and I gave it to a friend, he said he was going to rebuild it, but I really doubt it :( No big deal, the new Demoncade shall be reborn!

This is the final update of the original Demoncade, it is only but a memory.... all future updates are now on the new page. This page will be on as a reference. RIP Demoncade Version 1.

News-September 9/02
Ok, I added a small section about me. Please take a look or email me if you have questions of comments. I also changed me email to

Just to let everyone know, I may not respond to emails fast from now until Dec 7/02. I am going to do some training for my job and will only be home on weekends. I will try to respond from school.

I need help! I have been playing with a Analog Steering wheel with mame and its not working out too good. Anyone have any info on the best way to get a wheel and pedals to work? Please contact me if you can.

I also want to add a light gun so any info or comments on which ones work and do not let me know too!

News-August 31/02

Well my other website died so here is  a new one. I tossed it up quickly for now but I will upgrade it later on.

I finally got my cabinet running a lot better thanks to Lazarus Emulator Frontend. I must say that the creator Howard, has designed a top notch frontend that is going to revolutionize the way we play! Check it out!

Also I added some nice new speaker grills instead of the homemade ones I had, and I added Red t-molding around the edges.

Added some new pictures!

Cabinet Pictures
Marquee View
Marquee View 2
Front View
Front View 2
Coin Door
Coin Door 2
Control Panel
Control Panel 2

Note-Go Leafs Go!!

Cabinet Information
950mhz Duron with 512mb of Ram, onboard sound, Geforce 32mb video card, and 90 gigs of hard drive space.
Screen: Runs on a HP 20" pc monitor.
Control Panel: Features two 8 way joysticks with 6 player buttons. Along the top there are 5 additional  buttons for configuration keys and there are 2 buttons on the cabinets sides. In addition there is a pullout keyboard and mouse.
Sound: Use built in soundcard, with a small Cambridge woofer, and 2 pc speakers mounted below the marquee.
Software: Currently runs the best frontend ever made Lazarus! Right now it runs, Mame, Modeler, Zince, Sega, Sega Genesis, NES, Super Nes, and N64.

About Demon-Seed
Name: Jim Richardson
Home: Ontario, Canada
Age: 24
Hobbies: Bodybuilding, hockey, movies and video games (duh!)

Great Links
Build Your Own Arcade Controls

Lazarus Front End

Questions or Comments???
Email Me

Page no longer updated... moved onto new project.. Demoncade Version 2.