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Croc Master

If there was a survey for the absolute most underused and underrated character in the G.I. Joe mythos, the great Croc Master would get my vote without a doubt! The minute I opened this figure when I got him in 1987, he was the most bad ass member of Cobra to ever enlist. With rippling muscles and bulging biceps, Croc Master stood guard in Cobra Island, using the swamps as his home and his cover, and just waiting for unsuspecting Joes to come a wanderin'. In my battles, whole squads of Joes could be taken out by this monster, who moved with reptilian speed and an animal ferocity. In my universe, he had lived with the crocs for so long, that he had adapted to their way of living, killing to eat, and wallowing in the swamp for most of the day. His constant life in the forest had upgraded his natural senses and his need to kill wildlife to survive had honed his hunting instinct and viciousness to a razor sharp blade.

The figure itself is quite excellent, although exceedingly underrated. His mask gives off an air of mystery, with the piercing red eyes giving him that somewhat inhuman look. Croc Master's head is quite possibly the coolest head I have seen on a Joe figure, and was a huge inspiration for my custom, Body Count. The rest of his body is cool as well, with the ridged, reptilian body armor and boots as well as the cool black pants with pistol and the mysterious yellow eye peering out from the belt. It really makes you wonder just who this guy was and what power he had over these reptiles.

Croc Master appeared very little in the comic, and was one of the unfortunate bunch that got tossed into the freighter and smoked by Cobra Commander. The Croc Master in my world would not die that easily! This guy is a mystery man; a reptilian monster, and a dangerous force to be reckoned with. Expect him to appear in my customs page as soon as I get the parts to make him, but whose side will he be on? Will he still fight the Joes, or is he upset at Cobra Commander's attempt to kill him?? Only he knows for sure!

Now the version pictured below may look a little strange. It is the Funskool version, produced and sold in India. Notice the red bleeding in the eyes, and the differently hued flesh tones. When I bought this one I was desperate for a complete Croc Master, so I took the plunge. It's not THAT bad of a figure, but I cannot wait to use piecemeal and reform my wonderful Cobra security agent into his old self.