Finally! The first story arc for the new universe of G.I. Joe has been completed, and for the most part, I think was pretty successful. In this review/profile I will cover issue #4 singly and also the 4 parter as a whole to give folks an idea of what I thought of it. For those of you who care, anyway. :)
![]() The cover to G.I. Joe #3! |
![]() Another lack of a splash page, although this is a pretty cool panel showing the nano-mites in vehicle destroying action! |
First of all, to start off, I gotta give some serious credit to the Devil’s Due staff and especially Chris Crank for those absolutely rock-on flash intros they get going on their websites. The Flash intro for Issue #4 had me on the edge of my seat…a very tense, anxious way to get issue #4 rolling, and an awesome way to advertise!! Have you seen it yet? Check it out! Again, like the first three issues, I keep on wondering when the pace of the book will slow down a little. This fourth issue definitely did NOT slow down, and the series as a whole doesn’t appear to be leaning that way either. As always, the J. Scott Campbell cover quite simply knocks my socks off and kicks my ass. I’ve never been a HUGE Campbell fan (he appeared near the end of my last era of reading comics…), but good lord, he’s got some STYLE. His action is great, and while his anatomy is a little stretched, he makes up for it with the cleanness of the art and the flow of action. Again, these new Cobra Troopers kick a whole lot of butt! I love their updated look, while still keeping the classic feel. Hasbro, screw those Neo Vipers, let’s get some of these bad boys in plastic!! |
But let’s go onto the story… Issue #4 seems to skip ahead a little bit in the time frame. Cobra has already infected a good part of the country with their dreaded nano-mites and as we start reading, Washington, D.C. has basically become isolated. No communications are available, and a newscaster is wondering what exactly is going on. Suddenly we get some TV footage of Ft. Meade, Maryland, where some heavily armored Tanks appear to just be crumbling for no reason whatsoever. The scene shifts to your basic top secret underground government facility. General “Tomahawk” is in a secret meeting with the infamous Jugglers (kudos to Josh for the old Joe series’ reference here…). The Jugglers seem convinced that this bizarre attack is not a Cobra threat, but something else, or may even possibly be some weird revenge plot from General Abernathy and his team to get some payback regarding their disbandment. Hawk swiftly shoots down these ridiculous opinions, and we continue on, now getting a shot of an Army convoy moving along the interstate towards Washington, D.C. Cobra wastes absolutely NO time and quite suddenly attacks the convoy with a combination ground assault and air strike. They make quick work, and I was absolutely ECSTATIC to see some REAL Cobra vehicles!! We’re talking Python Conquests, baby!! Go Kurth, GO! :) |
![]() The Cobra air assault led by…Python Conquests! COOL!! Not to mention a little brutality by the good Major… |
![]() A stylish Dr. Mindbender checks on Cobra Commander, but is met by a mystery man chucking throwing stars…mystery man?? Yeah, RIGHT! Storm Shadow has GOT to back! |
After Cobra successfully intercepts the Army convoy, we see the reason why. It seems Cobra is trying to make themselves look good by moving in and bringing supplies to those people who are isolated due to the nanomites that Cobra launched in the first place! Destro goes through a long explanation with the Mistress Armada (who apparently survived Scarlett’s gunshots…) and we see the reason why Destro’s plan went the way it did. He also goes through the plan again, for those of us who weren’t paying attention last issue. ;) Next, we see Dr. Mindbender walking through the familiar asylum in Scotland, going to meet Cobra Commander. He and the two orderlies get a swift surprise, though when a mysterious attacker takes out the twin orderlies with a strangling cord and throwing stars. Mindbender screams “No! It cannot be you! Not YOU!” Three guesses who the mystery ninja is…I think we can all come up with the same answer. Next, the scene shifts to the Joe team, prepping for the new mission. Flint, Jinx, Rock N Roll, and Shipwreck who are getting all suited up and ready. Jinx zips up a wicked looking rubber mask, while Shipwreck dons some cool sunglasses and Duke makes his debut appearance. Walking from an Army Jeep, Duke comes out looking STRAC in some cool battle gear, quite reminiscent of his 2002 uniform. Very cool to see him looking like he does on the store shelves…a nice touch here! |
Next we see what appears to be a secret treatment facility for the members of the Joe team infected with the nanomites. Lifeline is standing over them, monitoring them and trying to console some of them who are having a rougher time than others. Next, he meets with Mainframe to discuss the Joes’ prognosis and they wind up talking about how the nanomites work. Lifeline seems to have an epiphany and comes up with a plan to trick the mites into attacking each other, thereby healing those afflicted with the diseased metallic bugs. They initiate a plan while Lifeline runs off to the bio-containment ward. There, he meets up with Spirit and Kamakura who are standing watch over Snake Eyes and Scarlett, sealed off because of their possible infections. Snake Eyes asks Spirit to run an errand and Lifeline takes his leave as well, leaving Scarlett and Snake Eyes alone. They speak briefly, Scarlett forgiving her former flame for leaving her at the alter. Snake Eyes removes his mask and they embrace, apparently reconciling. |
![]() Duke makes his appearance in some styling new duds…VERY reminiscent of his 2002 uniform. |
![]() Cobra attacks, using some nice classic Cobra and Iron Grenadier equipment! Also, General "Toma"hawk is looking GREAT in his toy-inspired uniform! |
The scene shifts to Zanya and Zartan walking along the battlefield, discussing Destro’s leadership and how he is maintaining control. Zartan confides that Destro has contaminated several Cobra soldiers and higher ups alike with the nanomites. While Zanya is instantly outraged, Zartan informs her that these mites might indeed CURE his mysterious skin condition, instead of killing him. He speaks a little of some medical experiments done on him in times past and mentions some “corroding chameleon genes” indicating some hint of mutation involved in Zartan’s supernatural abilities. At the heat of the discussion, Destro makes his appearance. He supplies a Cobra Trooper and activates his nanomites, reducing the Trooper to a pile of dust. This seems to have somewhat of a convincing affect on the Dreadnok father and daughter. Just as the Twins appear, the scene switches again to the Joe team collecting by the White House for the final stand against the Cobra force. General Tomahawk gives them a good pep talk, looking AWESOME in his brand spanking new toy duds just as Cobra preps for their attack. Destro looks awesome standing atop a DEMON with squads of Air Support (Fangs, Mambas, and Sky Hawk???) streak overhead. The battle begins!! A great full page spread of the Cobra force striking at the White House is a fantastic introduction to this attack. Destro and Major Bludd collect the troops, who launch their vicious nanomite attack. The mites strike fast, reducing the military’s troopers to useless and crumpling tanks like tissue paper. Cobra instantly begins to tear through their ranks with vicious anger. |
Just at the climax of the battle, we go to a scene inside of G.I. Joe Headquarters in Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Mainframe and Firewall make small talk, revealing some insight to Firewall’s character. A foremost hacker and formal criminal, she was recruited to the Joes and now wants to make things right. Suddenly Mainframe gets a call on his communicator, revealing that a mysterious person is calling with information. Only some cross checking reveals the person to be Cobra Commander! And he seems to be revealing a way to shut down Cobra’s all encompassing satellite network. The two run from the room, eager for the information. Next, we see some television footage revealing a shocking turn of events! It appears that the Speaker of the House is holding a press conference with Destro turning over Marshall law control to the Cobra organization! One person that cannot believe this is the formerly bedridden Destro…the REAL Destro, who suddenly is able to move! |
![]() Destro, Sr. is quite suddenly alive and well. At about the same time the nanomite infection is turned away…coincidence?? I think not! |
![]() The nanomachines’ control has been shattered, and the Joes are ready for a fight again! |
Back in Washington, some G.I. Joe reserves are swarming in by helicopter. We see some old classics like the Dragonfly, Locust (original one), and the Retaliator…but we also catch a cool look at the new Wildfire, looking MUCH better than that…thing that was in the last issue. As they near the center of Washington, D.C., it would appear that the Joe team has fallen on hard times. The nanomites have struck and Destro has the Joes at his mercy. After some little jabs at the fallen Joes, he decides to have some fun and takes the opportunity to smack around Duke, Flint and Shipwreck. He has his fun, but decides to pull a weapon and end the fun for good. Pressing it against Duke’s temple, he prepares to fire… But suddenly the nanomites’ control is broken! Duke springs to life, striking down the Cobra leader and taking out the surrounding Cobra troopers. Chaos ensues, and while Destro and Armada sneak away, the Joe reserves move in to attack! At the last second, the two Cobra higher ups are rescued by their own helicopter by none other than…The Baroness! |
After an awesome shot of Dusty and Lady Jaye leading the way, routing the Cobra forces, things keep going the Joes’ way. Zartan shows up, disguised as the House Speaker, takes down Rock N Roll and escapes with his daughter…Flint takes out some snakes, and just as one gets the jump on him, Duke takes him out! Flint kind of sneers… The next few panels show the mop up of the capitol, the Joe team polishing off the Cobra forces, taking prisoners and cleaning house. It is revealed that all of the Cobra hierarchy escaped, but several troopers were caught and/or killed. Some differing view points are shown as the scene shifts… To a mysterious prison cell. We finally see the new Destro’s face as he and Armada are imprisoned and bickering. But they get an unpleasant surprise when a visitor comes to the cell…a visitor in a familiar beryllium steel mask and large red collar! To end the book, and the first 4 issue story arc, the Joes have gathered at Roadblock’s sprawling estate. As Stalker and Roadblock shoot the breeze back and forth, Snake Eyes and Scarlett sit under a tree, and Snake Eyes reveals what Spirit went to gather for him…an engagement ring for Scarlett! And thus, it ends…for now. |
![]() The new "Destro" and Armada get a visitor in prison…back in black and back in his classic costume! Awwww yeah! |