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Taken from Smash Hits Magazine - 1991

Luke was the former drummer in Bros, he definatly not only added Rythm to Bros but also personality, always up for a laugh, smiling through the hard times Luke made a very important addition to Bros.

Taken from Smash Hits Magazine - 1988

Since leaving Bros Luke took a couple of years time out to set up his own band called 'Band Of Thieves' which was very differant to the material Luke was releasing in Bros, this material had a more rocky edge sound to it and Luke once described it as a Lenny Kravitz type sound.

The first thing Luke did was write an autobigoraphy entitled 'I Owe You Nothing' which was published before Luke released any material with the 'Band Of Thieves', Luke wanted to use the book to set a few records straight and use it as a loudspeaker to get some of the perceptions of him and his life straight after being constantly put down but the media, he wanted to make a brand new start so writing the autobiography took a lot of weight from Luke's shoulders so that Luke could then start a fresh new career and sound with the 'Band Of Thieves', the book went on to 4 reprints and did amazingly well in the book chart.

I Owe You Nothing Autobiography - Signed Copy

The first musical release from Luke was a track entitled 'Sweeter Than The Midnight Rain', he signed to an independant label which was set up by Luke & his manager at the time called 'Sabre Records', the video to the track got it's premier on the 'Chart Show' but unfortunatly only went in to number 52 for 2 weeks.

Sweeter Than The Midnight Rain - 7" Cover

The next release was a track called 'Give Me One More Chance' which again had that great rocky edge to it and Luke's tremendous vocals that were described as 'Unexpectedly husky and powerful, of the type that can fill stadiums without too much bother' by the 'Daily Mail' (Luke's vocals were first ever heard on a B-Side song for the Bros single 'Try' on a track called 'Shelter') finally getting the critics behind him this time he set himself up ready for a UK tour in 1993 but unfortunatly due to certain circumstances the tour had to be cancelled and the future of the 'Band Of Thieves' was rethought.

Give Me One More Chance - 7" Cover

Coming back in 1994 with only 2 of the original 5 members along with Luke he decided to go into a more acoustic sounding band renamed as 'Thieves Like Us' and signed to an independant record label 'One Little Indian' (home of Bjork) and then went on to release the track L.I.F.E, after a while the band decided to call it a day and the group was over but all was not lost.

L.I.F.E. - Cassette Single Cover

Before long Luke was appearing in the stage show 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' in Essex, on the 1st night of the show Luke broke his arm but after a trip to the hospital within a couple of hours being the great guy Luke is he was onstage and performing to a real appreciative audience.

Luke in Plan 9 From Outer Space - Supplied by David Wood

Then moving on to doing more theatre tours by appearing in 'What A Feeling' alongside Sonia & Sintta singing a whole lot of favourite songs from musicals such as 'Grease' & 'Fame', this was an early step towards Luke establishing himself as an actor, the show sold out to packed houses everywhere and showed Luke's talents well, Luke definatly added not only talent to the show but also made himself the star of the show by putting on a spectacular performance each and every night or day.

Luke with Sonia & Sinitta - Taken From 'What A Feeling' Tour Programme

After performing with Sonia & Sinitta Luke landed a part as the lead role for 'Danny Zuko' in the hit musical 'Grease', showing Luke as slick as ever with a Danny wig also showing that Luke was a definate dude of all time, bringing out his ever so brilliant dance routines (You like that Luke ? ), smoking a cigarette and getting his legs out for the girls in the audience recieving wolf whistles everywhere, Luke showed his acting skills well in the show after starting out in the West End moving on to a sellout tour all over the UK playing to packed houses once again all over the place, Luke had a challenge because not only would people would go see the show for Luke but also a lot of people really enjoyed the film and wanted to see the ever so popular stage show live so Luke had to live up to those peoples expectations, let's just say that everywhere that Luke played people would come out smiling and commenting on how great the stage show was, Luke definatly made each and everyone happy and made John Travolta's character like the real Danny himself, a great performance all round for Luke & a great acheivement.

Luke in Grease - Supplied by David Wood

In between doing Grease Luke also did a spread for the male annual semi nude cosmopolitan photoshoot, trying to find a cigar for the day was difficult due to it being a Bank Holiday Monday, heres the result of the photoshoot.

Luke's Cosmopolitan Photo - Supplied by David Wood

Luke then went on to do a TV advert for Hyundai before moving on to appear in the TV drama Bob Martin alongside Micheal Barrymore, then Luke appeared in Sky One's 'The Stretch' alongside Leslie Grantham & Anita Dobson and is currently filming with Wesley Snipes on the film Zig Zag before moving on to play the lead baddie in Blade 2, this definatly shows that not only is Luke a brilliant guy all round but he's definatly got a lot of talent in more ways than one.

Now happily married to his wife Shirley Lewis since 1995 Luke is now concentrating on his career as an actor, lets hope that Luke goes on to acheive lots of happiness and success with his new career prospects, with the amount of airwaves Luke has caused so far with script after script flying at him and Hollywood producers wanting a piece of Luke I'm sure that he will acheive everything he has ever dreamed of, may I wish him the best of Luck.

Taken from 'Daily Mail - Weekend Magazine' - 20th March 1999

Well all know that Luke loves his cars so heres a picture of Luke in a car for old times sake, he actually crashed this on the day too, oh well, that's good 'ol Luke for you.

Taken From Smash Hits Magazine - 1989