Victoria Silvstedt ...Voluptuous Vixen

why is she famous?
Her stint as a Playboy bunny, and secondary roles on small films have given her a start in her rise to fame.

quick bio
Victoria Silvstedt was born on the 19th of September, 1974, in Skelleftea, Sweden -- a small village close to the Arctic Circle. She was raised with an older sister and a younger brother in her then middle-class family.

It didn't take long for the blonde beauty to land a contract with Guess? jeans, following in the footsteps of models Eva Herzigova and Shana Zadrick. Victoria's career has been mounting ever since, with appearances in different television shows such as Melrose Place and MTV's The Real World. She even made a guest appearance in the film BASEketball.

We caught up with the beautiful, sexy Victoria Silvstedt in Cologne, Germany, where she was putting the finishing touches on her movie, Boat Trip, which she started filming in May with co-stars Cuba Gooding Jr., Roger Moore, Horatio Sanz, and Vivica Fox.

the interview
Q: What is Boat Trip all about Victoria?

It's a comedy, with 2 guys, played by Cuba and Horatio, who accidentally end up on a gay cruise.

Q: Accidentally my butt. They booked that gay cruise...

I know, isn't that funny? It takes some time to realize that they are stuck on a gay cruise for 4 days and luckily, me and some other girls' helicopter crashes in an ocean and we get saved by these guys, and then me and Horatio kind of fall in love and in the end, he goes to Sweden to look for me. It's a really funny comedy, you read the script and you die of laughter, I mean the whole gay cruise. It's hilarious.

Q: I am sure, I think there aren't enough gay storylines in Hollywood these days (laughs). Whatever happened to the straight character is my question... actually, the real question is: what role does Roger Moore play in this?

He plays a gay captain. I cannot believe that he actually accepted the role, but he has a great sense of humor...

Q: Yes, most gay people do, no? Just kidding... Going from 007 to double... anyway. Between Horatio and Cuba, who did you get along with better?

I played most scenes with Horatio, but Cuba is nice too. He is fun to go out and party with. I get along with Vivica as well. We were supposed to shoot the Caribbean scene there, but we ended up shooting it in the Greek Islands, and we had a fabulous time. We went to Egypt, Turkey... it was so cool.

Q: I feel so bad for you and the trouble you must go through.

Yes, I can't believe I have to go through this; it's like a paid vacation.

Q: No catfights with Vivica?

No, we got along super well.

Q: And to think that was the only reason I wanted to interview you (laughs). Actually, how did this project compare to the other ones? Namely BASEketball.

Oh my God, I did not even have a line in that movie. I have so many lines in this one. I play a character.

Q: Do you like acting more than modeling?

Oh God yeah, it is more fun, more challenging, definitely.

Q: When you got into modeling, did you always plan to slide into acting or did you stumble into it?

I actually fell into it, after I was Playmate of the Year.

Q: You were Playate of the Year? Man, I didn't know that (laughs), I don't even know what you look like.

Yes, I was Playmate of the Year, don't you remember me? But speaking of movies and acting, I also have a movie coming out called Out Cold, it's a snowboard comedy, and will be out in January 2002. Do you know Lee Majors? He is an American star who dated Farrah Fawcett, I did not even know him until the movie, and he plays my father in the movie.

Q: Where are you going after Germany?

Off to New York and Los Angeles.

Q: Where are you based out of?

Somewhere between LA and Texas, yeah baby. Outside of Houston.

Q: What is your favorite city to live in?

I lived in Paris for 2 years and I loved it, but I would not want to do it again. Sometimes the Parisians are a little too snobby, no?

Q: Oh yes, but of course...

I'd love to try to live in NYC, but I have never lived there.

Q: You don't find NYC to be too crazy?

No, it's great for me. To have both, East Coast and West Coast -- NYC and LA would be perfect. But LA is so far away from everything, that's the problem.

Q: Yeah, but LA has enough entertainment and stuff to keep you occupied, right?

Yeah, but you do not want to be stuck there, you know. In terms of travel and jobs elsewhere, it is far away.

Q: How much of your work involves travel?

Like all of it, I am in Italy often. I just did 2 movies this year in Italy, I do TV shows, and I am somewhat of a TV star there.

Q: Do you prefer TV or movies?

I like both but movies are fun because you go away on trips and they are longer; you do exciting things. TV is more of a full-time job... you have to be there for taping and you have a 9 to 5 routine.

Q: Interesting, I know that you are coming out with a new website; what is the difference between the new and old website?

Well, I never really had a website. I never had time to get a website going, I mean Playboy has a website for me, but that's about it.

Q: Well, Playboy is not alone, we have an entire feature dedicated to you as well. Have you ever seen your feature on our site?

No, I am not a computer freak. I have never surfed the Internet. Maybe I should get a laptop for when I travel.

Q: I am sure you have more fun things to do when you travel anyway.

I do... (laughs).

Q: Now we're talking, tell us some of the crazy things you do when you travel.

Oh, I am not crazy enough. I am too professional, work, work, work, I do not party, but I was pretty crazy when I was Play.mate of the Year. I was there at the Play.boy mansion, the whole scene... well, the parties there are pretty wild. You see so many celebrities, producers and actors going crazy, people naked in and out of the pool, people making out, I mean, really wild.

Q: How is Hugh Hefner?

He is very cool. He is so nice, I actually ran into him recently at the Billboard Music Awards, in Vegas I think. He was there with his 7 girlfriends, and said hello to me and kissed me, but he did not introduce me to his girlfriends, so I had to introduce myself. It was odd.

Q: Hugh is smart, do you think he was trying to make you jealous or make them jealous?

I don't know; good point.

Q: Besides Hugh, who is someone fascinating you have met?

Fascinating is a big word, but Roger Moore is a legend, so that was fun. I met Prince Albert, but he is not that fascinating...

Q: Yes, but he is royalty and you must pay your dues.

Exactly, I also ran into Ben Affleck at the mansion and partied with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Q: Now compare those 2; who is more fun to party with and who is more your style?

I mean, Leo is a lot of fun, but I prefer Ben. He is a wholesome, sexy man... I like them a little bit more experienced, I am sure that Leo is experienced, but...

Q: Definitely not as experienced as Ben... I don't think it's possible. On a side note, do you think that blondes have a bad reputation when it comes to having more fun?

We love that, I definitely have a lot of fun, and I don't know if it's true for all blondes, but I definitely have a hell of a lot of fun.

Q: What do you consider to be a lot of fun?

I love going out with my friends and I love dancing. I like a lot of R&B, hip-hop, rap, dance music, you name it. I am over the techno scene, the techno crap.

Q: Would you ever consider going brunette... I like brunettes.

I have done it in many shoots, with a wig. I feel a hell of a lot smarter with it, my IQ races the second I get it.

Q: Good to know, now, forget Ben and Leo, would you ever be with a woman?

Hmm... (laughs) maybe... there are so many different women, so many hot babes, I am not a lesbian though. It is one thing for guys to like other guys, but for girls, we are more open sexually... it's fun I guess.

Q: You should let Ben know about this and he will definitely be more interested...

Yeah right! You are not going to have this in print, I hope?

Q: Would you mind? No, actually this will only be on the Internet.

Oh good.

Q: What is the craziest party you have ever been to?

Crazy, crazy, crazy... must be some Hollywood party. I do not want to give any names though.

Q: Oh we do not even care about names (yeah right), we just want details...

It must be a Hollywood party at some famous agent's house, I know they represent a lot of the new movie stars, they had this crazy party...

Q: Typical sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll?

Yeah, pretty much.

Q: So, sex, drugs or music? What is your vice?

I would... Well...

Q: Okay, you need not answer, at least not on the record. As you can imagine, I lied to you earlier, I do know what you look like, and I would assume that you have your share of men hitting on you. What do you hate most about that?

God, I hate when guys are drunk and trying to be cool. I hate guys that are drunk with bad breath and are all...

Q: Do you get that often? You make it sound like you get this every night...

Oh, it is such a turnoff. I prefer to meet a guy like, during the day, it's more normal...

Q: I agree, but you do not mind some stranger coming up to you in the middle of the day?

Well, surely not a stalker. I just hate the club scene; I go to parties more. I do not go clubbing all that much anymore.

Q: Where do you find the best clubs?

NYC and even Italy, in Rome, Milan...

Q: News: Milan, it's the models, not the clubs...

Maybe, LA does not have great clubs; it is more about parties. Miami, is amazing, as well.

Q: You mention your friends; how do your friends feel about you, your popularity, the men that drool over you?

(laughs) Believe me, my "friends list" is very short. I have 2 very close best friends and then I have "fake" friends... the difference between work friends and real friends I guess... I mean, I still have my best friend from Sweden and my two really good friends in LA. The rest are more party friends.

Q: How do your parents feel about this entire thing?

My parents are very proud. Getting away from Playboy and doing more high-quality things.

Q: Yeah, but most people think that Playboy is actually high quality, no?

Yeah, until your dad looks at it and you are like: "Okay, daddy, how do you like my p*ssy in your face?"

Q: (laughs) Yeah, I cannot imagine them liking that. Is that the one thing you hate most about posing nude?

Yeah, I am from a small village in the North of Sweden and people know who I am... and they know me better now.

Q: Do you drive by the way?

Yes, I love fast cars. I had a Porsche Boxster, but I got rid of it because I got into too much trouble with the cops.

Q: As if the cops would ever give you a ticket...

I was pulled to the side for doing 125mph in LA... the cop came up to me and said, "get the f*** out of the car...", he had a gun pointed at me. Luckily, I had a Play.boy magazine and signed it for him, he could not believe it was me...

Q: Women get away with murder.

I did get 2 tickets after that though. Now I have a BMW instead.

Q: What is your greatest accomplishment?

Professionally, breaking into acting from modeling, especially being Swedish and breaking into the American market. It is hard for you to get taken seriously: I am blonde, have been in Play.boy and I am Swedish. Three strikes against me.

Q: What would you change about yourself?

My toes, they're crooked...

Q: What is the first thing in a man that stands out?

The eyes, looking in them, you can almost read their mind... and a nice butt. I like perky butts.

Q: Who has the nicest butt you have ever seen?

Can't tell you.

Q: I am not assuming that you have seen them without pants...

I wonder if there is a site out there with butts, and if you can rate them...

Q: I do not know, but if there is not, well, there's a market ripe for the taking. Thanks for your honest comments Victoria, and good luck with your acting career. We'll be checking out your work.