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.the ames curve lyrics.

Song 001::There's a Canton on the other side of the world.

Put my head through the window, I'm all smiles and so is she. "What's it been now, like, three years?"
(the way you look I'd say it's more like ten) Exchanges. One gesture. Two good-byes. Naturally it's no surprise.
Her eyes shift to the left, my right, as she starts to speak. I'm on my knees again and she hasn't even stood up yet.
I'm just one, in a long line of boys she let put their tongues in her mouth, I'm just one in a long line of boys...
She looks so three-dimensional, but I know she's four. I wish I could wash out the color, there's just...something about black and white.
Every word of my small talk could be translated as: "Please forgive me." She looks so three-dimensional, but I remember four.
I wish I could wash out all those colors, make everything black and white. Every word of my small talk could be
translated as "Forgive me please."

Song 002::To Colon Cancer.

I have so much trust, and I'll drop it into anything that can hold my attention, and so I am bound for failure.
A friend once said to me, over coffee, "It reflects on you, the company you keep," and he continued
"you're lucky you've got me, otherwise you'd be looking like a creep." I said, "I guess you're right,"
he said, "hey, what are friends for?" The two of us (me and him) aren't on speaking terms anymore.
He wanted to be the moral of every story, but my punchlines were a slap in his face. So now we're pushing
each other from corner to corner, arguing about who's invading whose personal space. Cutting each other off,
we are chopping off fingers and you know that shit don't grow back. And so I guess I'm still bound for failure,

Song 003::Koala.

Well, I guess it's been a long long year, and we're still laying here. My thigh between your thighs,
your thigh between my thighs. You know sometimes I get confused. Okay, sometimes cuts it a little short.
You know I try to make good decisions, like I try to wake up when the alarm goes off. You can always depend
on me, but first, we've got to learn to depend on ourselves. But you know I always belong to you,
even if for a moment my attention does not. Trust me. I know you do. Just wait until I get myself together,
then you'll get a chance to rely. We'll be getting up so early. We'll be doing sit-ups. We'll be riding bikes.

Song 004::In Wrong

I can't take the first step, I can't take the initiative. I'm letting everybody down 90% of the time. I've got to get myself
together, I've got to concentrate. Every time I look, it's getting later. But I'm still in the same place.
I'm getting older. Days are getting shorter. Everybody's moving. But I'm still still in the same place.
There's no excuse there's no exception no ambition to make a change. I would take a pink slip.
I wouldn't mind my walking papers. I'd turn in my badge and gun. Oh, sure, I don't mind burning down
bridges that I know I'm never ever going to want to cross again, but...I still like you.

Song 005::Alewife

Getting ahead of my own question when the door closed behind my back. I swear it's 30° colder
as I walk over this bridge. The wind blows through my clothes as if they weren't even there.
The wind blows, The wind blows.
If I was smart I'd get home as quickly as I could. I wouldn't drink this much coffee this late. My mind follows
paths of luck and my eyes survey what I pass. I must have heard this fifty times by now.
Time to buy a watch.

Song 006::My Family looks out for me like friends

I was more of a sipper than a gulper but anything felt like a weapon in my hand,
or at least a shield. But I could shift my weight from foot to foot and feel myself getting stronger
in the back of my head. Parking lot to parking lot. In summer no one told us what to do, we never
had to cut my hair, you never made me feel little. I'd like to say thanks. Now everything's gotten abstract.
It's weddings and funerals. It's distance multiplied by when I get some free time. 1993 - when no one
would sit next to me. Four days apart twice removed. We climbed my fucking tree. We jumped off the roof.
Pizza, Pizza, Crazy bread.

Song 007::Sure I am, Watch this

-- new lyrics soon --

Song 008::Song for a Tree frog cut down in it's prime

We traveled the world together, or at least this time-zone, knocking each
other down all along the way. Rolling around in the grass your thumb gouged
into my cheek, remember hide and seek under the porch when Sean threw glass
at your head, there was blood every where. Blood, man, blood. Blood, man,
blood. Blood. My mom always said that you never had it easy, no question
that is true. But you make only terrible decisions and friends with drunken
reprobates. Mike put down the pipe, and pick up the pieces of your life. I
mean this in the nicest way possible, and not that it doesn't apply to me,
learn some self control.

Song 009::The sun don't shine, the sun don't shine.

Better get a plan B ready. We could soon find ourselves shouldered out. All
of our jokes are getting no response, while everything they say is
hilarious. They're taking over. We could soon find ourselves curbed. I'm
sensing plots behind every closed door and hearing laughter behind my back.
Trust me. I speak from experience. You can't give these people an inch. Just
when you think you've got them figured out. That's when they've got you.
Look out! They're taking over. We could soon find ourselves curbed. I'm
sensing plots behind every closed door and hearing laughter behind my back.
And it's hilarious. They are taking over.

Song 010::They Stole My Diploma for Kicks

Every day when I wake up I want to stay right where I am.
And every day when I walk around, I want to find somewhere to hide.
(but I keep it inside) That's all I can do to keep from giving up
I'm making lists in my head, I'm saying names over and over again
That's all I can do to keep from giving in.
It's all cliche, it's been said before a hundred times
and a hundred times better with more insight and creativity.
I'm making lists in my head, I'm saying names over and over again
I'm counting my allies, I'm counting my enemies
I'm making plans for the future, I'm putting on layers
because it's getting cold.

Song 011::Tips for Teens

The warmth of attention, the comfort of an arm.
They can be so convincing when they turn on the charm.
You can be wrong about boys. Go ahead, have fun.
But don't leave yourself open. Don't fall.
Don't let yourself get hurt. Pay attention to every word,
that he says and you say. Don't say "I love you" first.
The best defense is playing hard to get.

Song 012::There's no R-O-B in TEAM.

"You'll probably end up homeless," she said, as she packed up
everything she owned and moved out of my life.
She shoved off, and floated away, and I fell apart.
I'm praying for a party, so I can sit on the couch and let the noise
of conversation insulate me. I'm sick of being alone.
I don't feel much like talking. I'm not feeling very smart.
I'm not feeling very funny. I've got an open challenge,
for anyone to take me up on. I bet I can complain longer than you
can listen. I'll keep you up all night. I just keep thinking,
I wonder what it was like for you to have him fold around you,
after folding around me for so long. I know this must be brutal
to hear me say. I know this must be brutal to hear me sing.
Maybe someday we'll get a second chance. But not now, not yet.

Song 013::Crossbeerer

My mom can put 'em away. My dad can put 'em away. My boss can put 'em away,
and still remain in control. I'm always out of control, I'm always panicking. I try to keep my
head even, keep my mistakes small. But I wonder if anything means anything to anyone anymore.
My peers can put 'em away. My friends can put 'em away, and still remain unchanged.
Pretty soon I'll be the token kid in boston, edge unbroken. But, you can never tell,
a year from now you could find me at the model, and it wouldn't matter.

Song 014::Stay Home

I'm doing just enough to keep myself barely content. Every day I struggle against
convenience. I'm living check to check, oh man, What am I doing with my life? Even while dreading
the future, I'm still regretting the past. I cannot save a dime, I haven't got direction
"We fear change" in Olde English across my gut. I'm waiting for a sign. Now accepting advice.
Everyone says I should travel while I'm young. I'm so pathetic. I disgust myself. I swear I have
a million excuses why I'm not where I should be at this point. I don't like who I am, I don't
like where this is going. To tell the truth I'm not so fond of where it's been.

Song 015::She Destroyed me Overnight

Riding by your house I thought of how easy it would be, to stop and knock on your door is enough
to nearly make me lose my footing. His muffler drags behind him loudly, as his friend yells "stop,"
from the parking lot, and just shakes his head. He moves further down the block, sparks shooting
from behind, and turns at the light (towards the Pike.) There's a million cars in this country
with mufflers held up by belts. Plastic taped over broken windows and trunks held closed by
bungee cords. Patched up as best as time and money allow. Just enough to keep on driving.

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