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Furious B Quotes:

"Who IS Furious B?"I hear you all cry.Well,if these dire quotations haven't told you enough of our fellow aussie "mate",then perhaps this infamous legend will. In art,a lazy Autumnal afternoon,4th formers add the finishing touches to their GCSE pieces,while Furious B tampers with the radio. The artroom echoes with the distorted hiss of white noise. One look to the corner reveals that the Bosmaster3001xjk is tuning the boxy radio to a favourite station of his."Finished!"exclaimed the youth.An eerie silence befell the room.A distant churchbell rang aloud. "FINISHED"he repeated,as a ragged tumbleweed glided across the ceramic floor."Finished what?"asked a snobbish onlooker. "My favourite station,UCB-listen!"The blast of an angst ridden christian droans through the musty dwelling. "Eugh!Turn it off B!I hate you!"yelled one disgusted teenybopper."Hey you really suck!Get out of the classroom jerkface!"protested another."No,listen."insisted the strapping young boy.Shrieks of horror silenced the bosmaster,as bellows of violins and cellos exploded from the radio."Yuk!You like classical music?You nerd."commented the nearby trendy."Yes,I listen to classical music as a hobby,and if you have a problem with that then tough cookie. At least it's better than your hobby;-snogging."and with that,a thunderous explosion pounded the Northern wall,as a masked avenger shot from a freshly demolished hole.Gasp!T'was the Face!The sagas were true!The young rover swiftly darted to the furious B,drew a sword from his belt and did on to him what every man across the land fears-shafted him!With a tremendous thrust of his pelvis the Face pounded at Furious B's firm rump.A howl of agony erupted from the disfigured victim.In a flash more sudden than that of lightning,the Face vanished,never to be seen again in a non-Mexican region.