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Toast Boy ANNUAL!!

This here, is the Toast Boy annual. Originally, this was going to be a throw away, garbage filler between the first and second parts of Bury Me Not. It was going to be a full issue story about just Goulak riding through space being a Silver Surfer style dude, talking to himself alot and such. As you can see, we couldnt come up with ANYTHING funny for that, and as a result decided to put that story in with a few other things that we thought would work. As a result here you go. The Toast Boy story was something I thought up in school a long time ago and was going to be a filler issue later on, but we instead decided to put it in here, as it fit pretty well. The villain profile and the games page were just things I did kinda fast to fill space, but also because they fit in with the idea of an annual. I think they turned out well. In my opinion, though, the real star of this issue is the Sonic Comic. I took great pains to make sure that this comic turned out exactly the way it did. If you don't understand why alot of the things in it are funny (trust me theres alot there) then you never will. This comic marks the end of Toast Boy Volume 1 (although, theres never really gonna be any distinction between different volumes for the most part) hope you enjoyed the first 16 issues, and continue enjoying them until we stop making them. Which, knowing me, will be next week.