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Welcome to my Homepage!


(Yet again) Welcome to my homepage! My name is Claire D. Sullivan and I hope to entertain you with both my and other sites. Most of what you see will be dog related (like this background for example, those are bush dogs (Speothos venaticus)), so if you do not like dogs I will not ask you to waste your time here. As for the canid (dog) lovers among you, I personally have done a great deal of research and hope to share with you my own sites and a few others I found which I find exceptionally intelligent, keep in mind that my sites are constantly being added to, so if you like what you see now, check back in a month or so and you will probably find something new.


Feel free to send me your comments, corrections and criticism on any of my sites here, as I would like to improve them in any way possible. I will reply as quickly as I can.


Here are the links; I hope you enjoy them!

My pages

The canis page

All my canid pages so far.


Claire’s Collection of Songs

This one contains the lyrics to 20 of my favorite songs (the “GoTo’s” FINALLY work, hurray!).


More to come soon!


Other links

Visit Elfwood

This is a fantasy and sci-fi art and literature site. It is huge and very impressive, I recomend taking a look at it.

Fido, the wolf

I thought that this was an interesting article.


More to come soon!

A Congo clawless otter.