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Title: (duh)

Author: (self explanitory)

URL: (the web addy, for those who aren't sure)

Length:  I'll eaither explain a story as unfinished, a short story (1-5 segments/chapters) a novelette, (6-15 segments/chapters), a story (16-30 chapters/segments) or epic (31+).

Synopsis: I kinda give a short summary in here.  I never spoil endings or ruin the real good parts.  I just kinda try and give the idea of what the stories about.


Good One: here I'll pu tmy favorite parts of a story, or what I liked specifiacally that this author did.

Did you HAVE to: This is where I rant my "not-so-favorite" parts of the story.


Creativity:  rating origionality with one as "stereotypical/predictable", and five as wish I woulda thought of that one.

Begging for More:  would I read a sequal?  No stars mean there was no sequal potential, five mean I'd beg for one. 

Cheese-o-meter: one star representing virtually cheese-free, and five stars giving you the tissue warning.

What would your MOTHER say!?: rating profnaity/adult content with one star meaning maybe some vulgarity, and five stars saying "GET YOUR ASS IN CHURCH!"

Calling Planet Earth:  This categories' new.  Some stories are so far-fetched.  So, one star means too good to be true, and five stars..."oh COME on..."


I'll give the stories a letter grade, just like you'd get in school.