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Title: Castles in the Air  (or, go to and then to fan-fiction)

Author: Angie


Length:  Still unfinished, 11 chapters posted as of 2/29/00.

Synopsis: A group of friends decide to perform as a band in a local talent show, calling themselves the "Butterfliez".  Rehearsing until perfection, the four girls (Luna, 'Ness, Dediera (sp?), and ...dammit...there was one more...) recite their singing/dancing act of Britney Spears' "Hit Me Baby (One More Time)" to perform.  Celebrities Isaac, Taylor, Zachary Hanson, and their father (heh..good ol' daddy-o) are among the audience at the small-time talent show.  They're also the grand prize-- the most talented performance gets to spend the day with the Hanson brothers.   Unfortunately, the "Butterfliez" came in runner up in that show- but they have their own way of attracting Hanson.  Almost accidentally.  And a winding love-story begins the minuite they meet.  

Good One: Creative work of hers :).  She had a good idea on how to get Hanson to meet the main characters without being too far-fetched or too predictable.  I also think it was cute how she put the "Butterfliez" together and gave each a "stage name/character".  It reminded me of the Spice Girls (ie Baby Spice, Posh Spice....).  Angie developed her characters' personalities well too-- The reader really gets a feel for the determined "peace-keeping" Luna, right through the seemingly slightly inscensitive quick-to-start-a-fight Dediera (sp?!).

Did you HAVE to: Well, what I really didn't like was how halfway through the story, the perspective changes from 3-rd person omniscent, to a constantly changing first-person.  Sometimes Zac'll tell the story, or Taylor, or Luna.  I mean-- it was clear who was telling the story but I think she should have either stuck with 3rd person, or used 1st person from the start.  Also, their were a couple cheezy-predictable parts.  Just a couple here and there that I kinda picked up on.  I can't even remember specific examples, I think it'd just be random sentances.

Begging for More:   
What would your MOTHER say!?: thier was no sex and maybe some vulgarity here and there (maybe..).  But I dont remember reading anything real bad.
Calling Planet Earth:

Overall Rating: B