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This is a site about pyrotechnics and how to keep it safe

E.g. I will tell you how to set your hand on fire without having any burning feeling or aftereffects

But one thing must be understood, use these methods at your own risk, and always keep a bucket of water or water source near by. You may need to extinguish yourself or an object in a hurry, so always have some sort of extinguisher near by. Also, never wear nylon, or polyester, as there are likely to catch on fire.


Holding fire


Buy a normal cheap plastic lighter from any newsagent.

Make your hand into a fist. Open up the top fingers a little to allow for some cuplike shape. Aim the lighter into this cup and hold the gas button down without sparking the lighter. Wait for a few seconds and then light this with a quick flame from the lighter. Remove the lighter quickly and you will have a flame in your hand. If you open your hand while it is alight it will burst into flame as the rest of the gas ignites. This will feel warm.


Burning hand

Get a de-odorant can and spray it onto your hand. Then light this with your standard plastic lighter. Your hand will burst into flames but for about one second or more it will be cool. Then you must shake your hand and put the fire out, or you will get burnt. You can slap your hand against your pants if it won't go out but I recommend that you have a bucket of water or wet towel as they will be able to put it out better than a simple shaking, and this could be necessary if you spray something like antiperspirant.


Flame Thrower


Get a lighter, preferably a Zippo, and light it. While it is still on spray a compressed spray can just above the flame. It should make a medium loud sound and there should be flame instead of spray. But don't hold down for too long, as the flame may go back into the can and cause the can to explode, causing shrapnel to fly everywhere and cause major damage, lethal damage.


Fireball tennis


Get a standard Styrofoam ball from any party accessory store, also known as a disco ball, but get one without any mirrors attached. Then get tennis rackets and a lighter. Light the ball and then you can play tennis with it for a long time, and you can douse it to stop it from burning and then light it later.


Bottle flamethrower


Spray deodorant into a flexible plastic bottle until it has liquid at the bottom. Then light the top and it will stay alight just on the fumes. Then you can squeeze the bottle and flame will shoot out of the top of it. Make sure you have nothing in the way because a flame like this can spray anywhere from one to ten meters. Then you can shake the bottle with your hand over the top and then relight it and it will have enough for a second use. CAUTION!!! DO NOT use antiperspirant. The flame will go back into the bottle and cause it to melt into your hand. 


Wall of fire


This is both unsafe and illegal, as it may cause you to have a car run into you and you may have the car explode, due to a fuel leak. Pour some mineral turpentine, also known as Turps, in a strait line across a road, then from one side light the line. It will spring into flame and cause a wall of flame for a few seconds. This will cause the driver of the car to swerve and thus is dangerous.


