Welcome to World Sisters Zine! We have beauty, facts, poems, stories, crafts, recipes, health/body, your life, friends and family, games, articals, and much more fun stuff for you! World Sisters was created by Erin Batten, also known as Kiki. Read on below for the blog/updates and enjoy the site!

5 January 2004

yay! 2004 is here! and i havent blogged or updated since octber! booo. sorry! been so preoccupied and busy and whatnot. well, actually, i DID update recently. yesterday infact. i put an animal rights page in various places such as the visitor section. check it out im sure u'll like it. more to come to it soon. anyway..if ure coming from cheryl's blog thats cool. she linked this site. i hope u like it. i designed and created all myself. it took a lot of work so PLEASE dont steal ANYthing..like pictures i mad, pages I created, ect, ect. BUT if u would like take something little or a page idea, PLEASE contact me FIRST about it. Thanks! any way back to updates: i was thinking about adding a section about me called like "about the editor/creater" w/e. u think? well i think i will anyway. tell me if it bombs. thanks again, love much, erin<3

25 October 2003

OMG! i cannot belive i havent even barely looked at this site since jluy! i am so sorry. i guess i went on a hiatus w/o syaing it really. =/ sorry again everyone. well right to the updates: i have added soo many new things and pages i cannot even name them t you! hehe. if u havent noticed, the main menu is altered..wayyyy too many links were up there! now they're all stil there just "organized". ah yes. and well i am trying to create up a new layout for the site bc im bored of the simple iframe and no images at ALL. B-O-R-I-N-G...hmm..images....I just recently got a graphics program! If you've noticed i have made some graphics like awards for some of the contests and stuff. right now im working on a logo graphic for WS on the home page and a guestbook graphic..but..my program is freezing up! GRRR! mannn ive gotta get it to work! i want all my images to match the layout but i need a layout first and i need the graphics program to work to get a layout!! ah im so stressed w/ this webiste (nd its not even popular!) but i AM going to get over it and fix up EVERYTHING!! so im gonna go and do just that w/ all these thoughts ive stirred up fresh in ma mind! hehe lol ttyl yall

11 July 2003

Heeey! I added a couple pages to the beauty section and i think one about the sun to the health section! OOOO yeah, i won a little award..lol..for guessing the lyrics! LOL here it is...

Cute, huh? Click it to go to Alice's site. (Or click Alice!)Anyways i also added some more "Would You Rather" game options. So if you haven't played already or have, go and see the new ones. Ok well i am off to go work on the site more or help Chelsea a lil. TTYL


Hey guys! I just applied to be hosted! I am so looking forward to hearing from her because wouldn't we all love to have mooore space and nooo ads!? I know right now I have ads all over the place but this is angelfire, and I know what you're thinkng...get some angelfire ad-busting codes!, right? Well I have tried them and after about a day they quit working! Grr..o well..MY THOTS: please host me!!! lol I joined and linked some fanlistings..they're awesome, go join them (click links on the main menu and then go to fanlistings)! And i got a tagboard so please go tag that if you please ( please do!) and you'll find itin the main menu. I think that's about it..back to work!

9 July 2003

I am doing sooo much work to this freakin site! lol..u no i luv u guys. u betta be enjoyn' this cuz i hate to do work for nothing. So thats y i'm gonna publicize it more. Good Idea? Yep. Get more hits. NE ways..i added a celeb gossip section! Cool! Check it out now! lol Hmm..nd i am workin on sortin' out the your life section into categories to be more easy. so im back off to work as i'm talkin to chelsea! luv u chelsea! lol IM me at dancebabe1047 sumtime..i am alwaaaaaaays on..lol nd check out my pro! g2g ttyl babes

8 July, 2003

Heey everyone! Thank you so much for signing my guestbook! I'm glad you're enjoying my site and I am sooo sorry I haven't updated in a loong time but I have been so busy. Well just like 2 seconds ago I added an age calculator the fun section, sunburn remedies to the health section, another button link, and a scary shark picture to the fun section. Check them out! I'm gonna go work on some stuff so enjoy the site!!


I've been working so hard! I just created a PenPal Service! Now you can sign up (toootaly free of course!) to get a penpal just like you! I also added a game called 'What Would You Rather' in the fun section. Check it out! You can find the penpal service in the main menu above! Off I go back to work for you guys! I hope you love me! LOL Just so you know (those who read this benefit b/c i tell them wat i'm working on, starting, and just finished! those who don't have to find it for themselves..so please encouragepple to read this nd thankyou..i appreciate it greatly!) I am making a personal site about me nd other things called exit 47. COMING SOON!! Spread the word or feel priveledged that only u know! LOL! ttyl guys

16 April 2003

hey guys! I just got a My Bad story! Yeah! Its all put up so now you can see them(well it) and post your own. Have fun! I think i'm hearing things because i keep hearing the phone-but its not ringing. Ok lol, i am sidetracking. So anyways, I added a music reporter to the jobs and one of my garphics i created to the WS Members Art Work section! Ok, go enjoy the site and I'll ttyl.

15 April 2003

Hey Guys! THank you so much Alexandra for this award...

Yeah! The cutest site award-I'm very proud. So I'd like to thank all those who are helping us out here! You're awesome!! I just downloaded Real Player One-so awesome-and listenin to some cool music. But now I am off to add some more, totally awesome things to WS!!! ttyl

14 April 2003

Hey everyone! I just added two sections to the site. Woohoo! Ok, i added a My Bad! section for you girls to send in your embarrassing stories. I will post them soon. also I added a part where you can join World Sisters as a reporter or fashion trend spotter! They're all important jobs and filling up so hurry now! Oh yeah, and please sign the guestbook if you visit! So many people are not! Ok ttyl

2 April 2003

Sorry everyone i havent updated in forever but dont worry i've already made a list of things to add! So im gonna go do that!! TTYL

05 March 2003

I know i haven't updated or blogged since February but i've been caught up in schhol work and other things. I took a quiz at peachie.nu and these were my results...

You can go take it now there. Juss click on my link or the picture itself. There are tons more quizes, tutorials, graphics, fonts, layouts, contests, and more to enjoy. I may add some more content today and put a backround or sumthin. TTYL

17 February 2003

hey guys! i added some more buttons on the linked page, got more previous gift pictures up on the site, and added a sister! enjoy! i have been working with my sister all day with her boyfriend's bday present! All I have to say is, he betta like it! My sister site Cheryl @ TEEN GIRL has revamped her site! Go check it out in the sister sites section. Well i'll ttyl because I am going to look through magazines for some styles and ideas for my room and maybe some subpage ideas oo! Adios!

15 February 2003

hey everyone! new layout up! but same colors. i'd like to thank Krissy for giving me this really cool pic! thank-you!

i am going to check my mail, create a guestbook, and possibly add some more pages!

14 February 2003

hey guys! happy valentine's day!


Cool, huh? Well i'm going to go babysit! See you later!

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