What Would You Rather Do?!

  • I thought of this idea on my own so if you would like to use it on your website, please link me! Anyways this is a fun game my sister and I like to play. It's called 'What Would You Rather' and you play by taking turns giving each other two choices. You have to pick the one you'd most rather do. They can be gross like 'what would you most rather eat' and then give gross options. It can be embarrassing like 'who would you most rather see you naked' and give options like brad pitt or your crush! It's so much fun so I hope you enjoy it.
  • I have set up a couple of choices, here, of my own.You can use the forms if you want to submit your answers and I'll post the majorities-or you can just use these for starters of your own games! Have fun!!

  • Would you rather eat worms or ants?

    *so far, 100% would rather eat worms!*

  • Would you rather not shave your legs for a month or your arm pits?

  • Who would you rather date: Brad Pitt or Justin Timberlake?

  • Would you rather listen to country or classical music?

  • Would you rather get your period on the first day of school or on your first date?

  • Would you rather? have to keep a really juicey secret or accidently spill one?

  • Would you rather run out of tampons or toilet paper?

  • Would you rather be sooo bored or totally busy?

  • Would you rather drink toilet water or swamp water?
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