© Susi Franco

24 miles from Tuscon and
Charcoal storm clouds dust the horizon
Like a dirty skirt dragging -
The surprise of mountains jutting abruptly from endless flat tables of land,
Purple EKG lines against a watery violet sky rim;
The non-sequitor of hazy golden sunlight
Poking filtered holes through cotton candy clouds
Spotlighting the five o'clock shadow of nubbled hillocks
Looking like it sounds when somebody sings
"America, The Beautiful";
Palm trees that look unhappy here,
Riotous bursts of fuchsia flowers
Laughing in the landscape-
Signs saying "Miracle Mile",
Me wondering what'll happen when we drive down it,
Thinking the biggest miracle I could have right now
Would be you in the seat next to me
Recording all this beauty with me,
Your eyes flashing passionate lightning
Preceding the thunder of your love.
Arizona is an artists' nirvana,
But they don't know
Love In The Key of G.