© Susi Franco

Flesh of my flesh…
The envelope of morning unfolds as
I watch you sleeping
Tiny little fingers splayed on the pillow
Open, slowly twitching
Sleep-practicing for all you will grasp today.
Shimmer of pale gold hair waltzing
Under the blanket as you turn over
Eyelids quivering with Baby Dreams
Just as your Mothers' did twenty two years ago.
Eyes so blue they hurt to look at
Like dollops of sky misplaced.
Your fiery burgeoning intelligence
Swells the pride in me
Confirms the genetic bond.
I marvel at each new utterance and word
Each new task you master
As you shrink the universe.
In three years I have watched you grow from
Unwieldy watermelon mound on your slender Mother
To gasping newborn whose cord I cut
Through emotion-heavy tears
To wild-child Uber-Baby
Usurping Life with impunity
Leaving us all dazzled by your slightest gesture
Helpless with laughter at your antics
Permeating us with love so fierce
So powerful
That we are brought to our knees
In wonderment.
I have no words sufficiently magical
To tell the world about you
I can only say
You make Life full for me
I am joyous to know you
In constant awe of who you grow to be.
Every time you hug my neck
And call me "Mierme"
My whole life makes sense.
An infinite number since Time began
Praise their progeny thus
And yet I am certain,
Faith rivaling a religious zealot,
That there is no child remotely
As miraculous as you.
Someday you will read this
Long after Mierme returns to dust
And you will smile to know
How very, very dearly
You are loved.
For now
I make your breakfast
Eagerly awaiting the padding of your tiny feet
As you hop out of bed
One hundred miles an hour
Demanding the remote
And Blues' Clues.
You are all of us
Cementing our belonging,
You are the longing I bore as a child
Hoping with a fragile heart
For my own family.
You are the seed from me
Going forward
Like pollen on a bee
To be deposited at some future date
Onto riotous brilliant flowers.
How I wish I could see
That bright and wondrous garden !