© Susi Franco

Boats bobbing in the wake
Like sleepy old men's' heads
Masts' cylindrical reflections
Dancing on the night water
Like disjointed snakes
Laughter echoes out
Reverberating over the bay
Halyards clinking like wind chimes
Sits quietly on her boat stands
Quivering imperceptibly
Dreaming of the moment
She will cut through foamy waves
Once more.
I walk around her
My hand never leaving her hull
She murmurs like a woman
Left alone too long
Needing someone to believe in her again.
All the way 'round I go
Palm caressing her lightly
Marking her
Kissing her cool sides
Leaning my cheek against
Her fiberglass and wooden heart
Promising to never leave her.
She whispers to me
Telling me how she aches for ocean
How her sails fill and buffet the wind.
I could have sworn I felt her keel shiver
With anticipation.

My heart skips a beat when
I whirl the rigging through the winch
And the sail lufts at first
Then billows to the opposite side
Fills with wind and suddenly lifts
Out of the sea
Slicing through it in forward flight.
It is nothing but magic
That moment.
I extrapolate how much greater the joy will be
When it is Tsigeyu's rigging I hold in my hands.

There is no need for facade or fences on a sailboat…
The sun kisses your upturned face
The wind whips your hair into your eyes
Saltwater aroma flavors your every word
Every breath.
A rapture builds in me
When I am sailing
The deepest rapture
That prohibits speaking for fear of missing
A single nanosecond of it
Or fear of weeping openly if you utter any sound at all
From the sheer majestic
Heady beauty
Of the experience
Caught right there in your throat.
For her, I would give it all away......
How does that go...?
" .....Come live with me and be my love..."...???
The ocean calls me
In ways my Mother never did.

Tsigeyu and I are kin
We belong to each other
And to The Sea
In ways we have never belonged

The ocean beckons us
And together
We go