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Citadel of Dark 








What's Going On Here?

Saturday, 18 December_

All the links work now thanks to a lot of trial and error. Took me all day too work out why it was blocking the sites, then why the pictures weren't working again and just some formatting stuff. If there is anything you would like to see on the site, neomail me and I'll see what I can do. 

Friday, 17th December_

Started the advertising page today. It will have pictures with links to get to this guild. You just copy the HTML in to your shop description area and the banner will come up in your shop.


Member of the Week
Not yet started...If you do good in the guild you may be nominated.

Pet of the Month
Nominate your pet! Not now though...when it starts!

Special Thanks
Goes to people who help out the guild or do something donate...(hint, hint)