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Manowar-"Battle Hymns MMXI"-2011

This one might leave a few people scratching their heads; why re-record a classic like "Battle Hymns", even if it IS Manowars` 30th year in Midgard [our world, for those non-Manowar fans!]? Upon reflection however, it makes sense; apart from the aforementioned anniversary, the original version of this album was exactly the highest quality, production-wise. [but "Into Glory Ride"`s production was worse! Maybe a re-recording of that classic is in order? Howzabout "Hail To England" and "Sign Of The Hammer"? One can only hope...]. It was a pretty anemic sounding affair, truth be told. Even original member Donnie Hamzik is back behind the drumkit, replacing HIS replacement, Scott Columbus. Really, there isn`t much difference between the original apart from the much superior production. All the songs that we know and love are performed in EXACTLY the same way as the `82 version; thankfully, none of the arrangements have been altered in the slightest. Of course, the late, great Orson Wells original narration in the God-like "Dark Avenger" has been faithfully re-done by the equally legendary Sir Christopher Lee, an inspired choice! Each and every track here is a Manowar classic, and should be required listening for all newcomers to The Kingdom Of Steel, and maybe a few grizzled vets, as it`s great to hear their earlier, slightly more Bluesy style as compared to the latter day epic material. Plus, they`ve included 2 early live cuts, "Fast Taker" and "Death Tone", as well as lyrics and some early band photos. "Battle Hymns MMXI" should satisfy even the most rabid Manowar fan until they release their next CD of original material. All HAIL!!


Sodom-"In War And Pieces"-2011

And the Germanic War Machine rolls on with "In War And Pieces", 11 tracks that rain pure Hellfire and death on everything in their path! This one also marks the final appearence of drummer Bobby Schottkowski, thus putting an end to the most stable Sodom lineup in the bands storied career, as along w/ Tom Angelripper and guitarist Bernemann, this incarnation of the band has been around since late 1996. But as long as The Ripper`s around there`s always gonna be Sodom. Continuing with the military themes that have always been a staple of theirs, the CD finds Sodom straddling a fence between the "Agent Orange" period and the more recent downtuned style of their later work, with great success. And if you`re a Sodom fan, you pretty much KNOW what you`re gonna get; you expect it, you want it and boy do you get it here! From the title cut onwards, it`s a Teutonic Thrash Metalheads` dream; one of the things that has always distinguished these guys, in addition to their ferocious delivery, is their songwriting talent and their ability to structure an album so that a more varied selection of tunes is offered, a common malady which befalls many similar acts. "Hellfire", "God Bless You", "Through Toxic Veins" and "Styptic Parasite" are being some of the prime examples offered here. And try to get the Digipack version, as it contains a second CD of classics new and old recorded at the 2007 Wacken fest. Everyone goes on and on about the recent "Big Four" tour [featuring Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer], but I say "Big Deal"! Sodom`s been around as long as those bands, and deserves as much [if not more] respect as them. Hopefully, "In War And Pieces" will do JUST that!!\m/

SODOM iMusic1 Rocks Spot

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Ghost-"Opus Eponymous"-2011

“Opus Eponymous” is the debut disc by Ghost, a throwback to the early Seventies` Satanic/Psychedelic Heavy Rock along the lines of Black Widow, with a dash of Jerusalem, Lucifer`s Friend and also a bit of Mercyful Fate. Sure, it`s all been done before, but Ghost seem to prefer GOOD ideas rather than ORIGINAL ideas, as they seem to know how to make the time-worn themes presented here work. Apparently they`re from Sweden; can`t tell who`s who, since the band is photographed in shadow and no names are provided. Gimmick? Sure. Cool? DEFINITELY! Ghost wisely avoids the Stoner approach; you know; tunes so slow and sludgy that there`s a 5-minute gap between each C#-tuned chord, filled with low, low, loooooowww vocal grunts & growls. There`s an energy to the music that sets them apart from the pack, as well as a melodic sensibility and cleverness in the songwriting department. Ghost also manages to create a spooky atmosphere through out the 9 tracks that give the listener a buzz similar to Mercy Fate`s "Melissa", a vibe helped in no small part by judicious use of Ye Olde Hammond organ. Key to their appeal is their ability of fashion riffs that are heavy AND memorable. From the lead off track "Con Clavi Con Dio" to other stellar cuts like "Elizabeth", "Ritual", "Satan Prayer", it`s clear that Ghost has conjured up a winner sure to please Metal fans of all stripes. Highly recommended! Also, is it just me, or does the cover for “Opus Eponymous” bear more than a passing similarity to the original [1979] Salem`s Lot movie poster? Judge for yourself....

Ghost @ My Space

Hammer Witch-"Legacy Of Pain"-2010

"Legacy Of Pain" is a re-release of a professional demo by Texas Thrashers Hammer Witch. The 1991 release [originally in cassette form] has been given a digital boost that add extra punch to the tunes and shows how DAMN good these guys were! Hammer Witch came to underground prominence right around the time when Bay Area Thrash was giving way to Floridian Death Metal, and while their brand of Thrash was a bit more aggressive than their predecessors, Hammer Witch failed to secure a lable deal that would have exposed them to a wider audience and 2 years later called it quits. A shame, as they had much to offer, as one listen of "Legacy....." makes perfectly clear. When describing the Hammer Witch sound, one band name that keeps cropping up in the press is Exhorder, and if you listen to that bands` "Slaughter In The Vatican" CD, the comparisions are perfectly understandable. All the standard early Ninties Thrash traits are present here; pissed off vocals, high velocity riffing, all-over-the-place guitar solos, relentless drumming, time changes galore. All delivered with a conviction and professionalism that makes one scratch their head in wonder that Century Media didn`t snap `em up back then. But at least now we have "Legacy Of Pain" on CD, and can revel in the lost glory that was Hammer Witch! A must have for any fan of high powered Speed/Thrash!

Hammer Witch

Thomas Blug-"Blug Plays Hendrix-Live"-2010

Guitarist Thomas Blug has been called "The Strat King" in his native Germany; while that may come off to some as more than a little pretentious, one listen to this guys playing and you`ll be wondering if if people aren`t on to something! Blug has released several guitar-oriented albums to much acclaim, and his latest is a live CD [also available as a DVD] entitled "Blug Plays Hendrix". You can pretty much guess from the title what you`re gonna hear; 11 tracks of well, Jimi Hendrix` greatest hits. While the song selection is basically a Best Of Hendrix set, Blug and his well-oiled band tear through them with reverence and conviction, not to mention that it`s all delivered with mind blowing musicianship. Blug chooses to forgo the Randy Hansen approach to the Hendrix hits, preferring instead to add his own aresenal of 21st Century tricks. This gives a freshness and vitality to songs that every bar band in the world has played at some point in their career, though Thomas [like Jimi] never sacrfices feel for technique. And this man has both those qualities in spades! Highly recommended for Hendrix fans, fans of great guitar playing, and music fans in general. And while Thomas may not be the actual "Strat King" [that title belongs to the author of the 11 songs on this CD], he is no doubt in the Royal Court! [I would like to thank my dear friend Heidi for sending me this CD!:)]

Thomas Blug
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