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Revoltons-"Night Visions"-2003

"Night Visions" is the debut disc from Revoltons, a 5-piece Prog Metal outfit from Italy [the name, I believe, means "noise"], and a mighty impressive debut it is! The music here is similar to Symphony X and Straovarious, as well as fellow countrymen Rhapsody, although as far as I`m concerned, Revoltons is the better band! Formed by three cousins, Andrea (Keyboards), Alex (Guitar) and Pietro Corona (Drums), Revoltons display a highly skilled musicianship and songwriting craft usually reserved for bands with twice the experience. Though some of the tunes tend to be lengthy, there`s nary a dull moment. Song is king here, as displayed in the opener "Cell of Death" and the majestic "Hands of Magellano". This is the winning track, with it`s gorgeous keyboard intro and a thick, crunching main riff. This, as well as other tunes on the album, show that the bands strength lies in their abilty to write that is both challenging AND memorable, a difficult task for this style. [Dream Theater anyone?] There are many fine Italian bands mining the same musical vein, and Revoltons may have some difficulty standing out in the crowd, at least for the moment. Hopefully, "Night Visions" will go a long way to help set them apart. A winner from start to finish!!


Cryonic Temple-"Blood, Guts, And Glory"-2003

DAMN! Swedish Power Metal monsters Cryonic Temple are back with their second album, "Blood, Guts and Glory". NEVER has an album been so aptly named! Sounding at times like the unholy union of "Powerslave"-era Maiden and Grim Reaper, Cryonic Temple [Glenn Metal on vocals, Esa T "Freewheeler" Ahonen and Leif Collin on guitar, Jan J Cederlund on bass, Gert Steelheart on drums, and Jan Söderlund on keyboards] goes right for the jugular and never lets go. How can one album contain so many fist banging Metal anthems!? "Mercenaries Of Metal", "Thunder and Lightning", "Triump Of Steel", "Swords and Diamonds", and every other cut is a keeper; each track is delivered in an all-guns-blazing style that wipes up the floor with Primal Fear and Hammerfall! A rough `n` ready production gives this album the steel gloved punch which in turn gives the songs that "rip yer face off, caver yer skull in" feel only TRUE Metal can give! And fortunately, the band aren`t content just blasting away; there`s variety in the tempos and textures of each cut that make for a refreshing change. Heavy, fast ferocious and melodic: want Metal? You GOT it, baby!! Two thumbs [and horns] waaaayyyyy up!!!

Cryonc Temple

Gothic Knights-"Up From The Ashes"-2003

Brooklyn`s Gothic Knights formed right before the Seattle invasion drove most Metal bands off the radar, and have plowed on through Grunge, Poseur Punk and Nu Metal. Never once straying from the traditional Metal sound, the band [led by guitarist John Tsantakis] have kept the Metal freak flag `a flyin` high, no matter WHAT! "Up From the Ashes" is their third studio album, and the band [Tsantakis, vocalist Rich Sanchez, bassist Mario Cosentino, and drummer Frank Gilchriest] haven`t strayed too far from the sound of the previous outings, while at the same time expanding upon their sound. First track up is "Power And the Glory", and to be honest, it`s a clunker. Just another one of the post-9/11 jingoistic rants that are all too common these days, this one should have stayed on the cutting room floor. As the band witnessed the terrible events of that day, it`s natural they would want to express their feelings, but the song isn`t really that great and should not have been the lead track. Get past THAT song, and you got yerself one HELL of an American Metal masterpiece that will have you saying "Iced WHO?" after the final tune is still ringing in your ears! From the killer title track to "Vampyre", "Guardian Archangel", "The Witching Hour," "Sleepy Hollow", "The 13th Warrior". and all points in between, this album SMOKES! And just to show how truly deverse they can be, the band gives us the beautiful ballad "Dear Queen" and even a clever rendition of Duran Duran`s Hungry Like the Wolf (Digipak Bonus Track)! The thought that Linkin Park sells out stadiums and a band like this labors in near obscurity is really too much for me to stomach! But all is not lost, brothers & sisters of Metal; these Knights are on a crusade to take back the proud name of Metal from the barbarous Hot Topic-clad heathens currently running amok here in the US. Support them in their quest by purchasing "Up From The Ashes" where ever fine TRUE Metal is sold! Highest possible recommendation!

Gothic Knights

Celtic Legacy-"Resurrection"-2003

Ever wonder what would`ve happened if the late, lamented Phillip Lynott had taken songwriting duties for Maiden during the "Powerslave" sessions? Well, neither have I, but if you ever DID wonder what such a union would sound like, I got two words fer ya; Celtic Legacy! [BTW, it`s Celtic with a "K" sound, NOT "Selltic"! Some of the confusion may stem from the fact that there`s an American basketball team called the Boston Celtics, where they pronounce it "Selltics". Got it straight now?] "Resurrection" is the Irish band`s second release; their first album came out in 1997, and is long out of print. [well, not QUITE, as I`ll explain in a bit!;)] Since that early release, the band fell apart leaving guitarist/keyboardist Dave Morrissey and bassist Dave "Slim" Boylan to start from scratch. Fortunately for us, the Dave`s soldiered on [with TWO guys named Dave in the same band, how can you miss?] and set about rebuilding the band, which now includes vocalist Mark Guildea, guitarist Darren Maher and drummer Stephen Cash. From there, the lads worked their collective bollocks off to make their deam a reality [for more on this incredible struggle, check out the band`s website!] So was it all worth it? Anyone who`s heard at least one track from this album will scream "YES!!!!"! Stylistically, it would be a GREAT disservice to the band to simply label them as "Irish Power Metal". Think of what Big Country might have sounded like if they had gone the Euro Metal route, and you`ll have a FAIRLY good idea of what Celtic Legacy are about. But there`s MUCH more! The band wear their Irish heritage on their sleeves, and it permeates each and every track. This definitely AIN`T the Irish Rovers! Traditional Gaelic influences collide with crunching guitars, searing twin-leds, soaring vocals and a monstrous rhythm section to create a unique blend of Irish Hard Rock rarely heard since the days of Gary Moore`s "Wild Frontier". [although the tunes are more on the traditional Metal side of things] I suppose you`re waiting for me to give you a track-by-track rundown, or point out the "choice" cuts; well, forget it! There`s no WAY I can single out a particular song on an album loaded with nothing BUT great songs! If pressed, however, I can point to the awesome title track, as well as "Shine". [this songs has a killer chorus that, in a perfect world, would ensure it Number #1 hit status worldwide] Anyone who finds ONE bad note on this album obviously has a tin ear! Sadly, the musical climate in Celtic Legacy`s homeland is in much the same state as the U.S.; pathetic. Why, oh Lord, do all the talented artists have to put in 10 times the work for less than HALF the acclaim, while those with zilch for talent put in half the work and reap ALL the rewards? Ok, I won`t get started! Now, my copy of the album is limited edition: this is a 2 CD set that was available only by pre-order. The second disc features re-worked versions of earlier Celtic Legacy tunes, as well as demo tracks. Other goodies include extensive liner notes, and even a message from Phillip Lynott`s mother!! There`s also a special "Thank You" section in the booklet thanking EACH person who pre-ordered the album, [some guy named "West Side"-something or other is in there...;)] as well as a personalized certificate and a poster, both signed by the band. And just think; this was ALL done WITHOUT any label support, little promotion and sparse media exposure. ["Word Of Mouth" is STILL the best way for our favorite genre!] Yet they have survived trials and tribulations that would crush lesser bands to produce one of THE future classic Metal albums of all time. You read it here first! It would be a criminal act for this band not to reap the rewards their hard work so richly entitles them to. I personally will not rest `til I`ve seen them signed to a label! You can help ensure this by going to their official site and buying the album; tell `em I sent ya! Cheers and many thanks to Celtic Legacy and Vladimr Hrubik for helping me purchase the album; next time I`m back in Dublin, first round`s on me!!

Celtic Legacy

Thy Majesty-"Hastings 1066"-2002

Here`s another album that falls into the "how the HELL did I miss this one?!" category! The Italian Metal boasts many great bands, and quite a few who lean towards the Prog Metal end of the spectrum [Time Machine, Rhapsody, Domine and Secret Sphere for example.] This style tends to be at time overly technical, with arrangements only a musician could appreciate, but which leaves the "average" listener cold. So when a band does it "right", I sit up and take notice! Such a band is Thy Majestie. The band is: vocalist Dario Grillo [who has since left the band], guitarists Maurizio Malta and Giovanni Santini, keyboardist Giuseppe Bondi, drummer Claudio Diprima and bassist Dario D`Alessandro. "Hastings 1066" is their second release, a concept album dealing with the Norman conquest of England in the year [you guessed it!] 1066. And while many such concept albums, while ambitious, are usually heavy-handed and at times outright boring, this is NOT the case here! The songs are cohesive, flowing seamlessly from one to the next. Arrangements are grandoise but not overbearing. The group obviously researched their subject thoroughly, a major plus for a 1066 buff like myself!:) The musicianship is flawless, but hardly clinical. One striking feature is that, despite the fact that Thy Majestie is a 6-piece, the arrangements are spacious and uncluttered; a testament to just how much care went into the songwriting. Many of the tracks feature male and female choirs sung in Latin, evoking the period with spine-chilling accuracy. Razor sharp riffs and powerhouse drumming, dizzying but always melodious solos combined with the HUGE symphonic and choirs weave an epic tapestry, allowing you to close your eyes and imagine these events unfolding. "Hastings....." gives you the feeling of actually being "there", and any album that can accomplish this is TRULY special! Thy Majestie have combined History and Metal [2 of my favorite subjects] to create one of THE epic Metal masterpeces of the new century. Pure genius!!

Thy Majestie
Information on the Battle of 1066
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