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UFO-"The Visitor"-2009

"The Visitor" marks 40 years [!!] in the business for UFO, and one listen to their latest should be enough to convince any doubters that the boys are FAR from ready to "Pack It Up And Go"! After several short-lived attempts to reform with Michael Schenker [who these days seems to be living up to his nickname "The Mad Axeman", as his recent nutso behavior makes clear!], former Shrapnel Records whiz kid Vinnie Moore assumed the 6-string duties in 2002. The result has been something of a re-re-re-rebirth for the band, and "The Visitor" will no doubt continue this positive trend. The album is a straight up Blusey, heavy rockin` affair that surely ranks with the very best this bands has ever done. And the UFO of 2009 has more energy than bands 30 years their junior, so all you youngsters take note; these guys are gonna show you how to do it RIGHT! "Saving Me" is a Blues Rock masterpiece, performed by a band that were actually in the thick of the Sixties British Blues boom. They turn up the juice even more with "On the Waterfront" and the stomping "Hell Driver". "Stop Breaking Down" is yet another soon-to-be-classic that is definitely one of the album`s best. It also features some of Phil Mogg`s finest vocal work. The ever-engaging voice of Mr. Mogg is what makes UFO who they are, and his vocals energize each and every one of his life-experienced lyrics. I can go on about how great all 10 tracks are, but you can just as easily buy the album and find out for yourself! One of the years best!



Chicago-based Modern Heavy Rockers Munroe have met with a great deal of success since their formation in late 2004. Their overall sound is an amalgam of many of the more current Heavy Rock bands such as Disturbed, etc. Granted, there are about 10 million bands mining the same territory; what separates Munroe from those acts is their ability to write catchy, memorable songs that are melodic, powerful and heavy. Munroe also manage to avoid the dreary, whiny lyrical outlook that seems to be stock-in-trade for their less talented musical peers. The bands` self-titled, self-released EP is a high quality CD that was mixed by former Filter drummer Steve Gillis. The 6 tracks featured here are all finely crafted; much though and care obviously went into the compositions. The tracks are "Mexico", "Forgive Me", "Let It Go", "None More Black" [the latter two being MY personal favorites], "Fake Plastic Me", and "Bullet Ballet". The individual musicians are top class, as well as possessing great songwriters; sounds like a winning combination to me! You WILL be hearing more from this band, trust me!


A.D.D.-"Elements Of Emptiness"-2009

"Elements of Emptiness" is the debut CD from Heavy Rockers A.D.D. [Analog Digital Disorder] a Female fronted 5-piece hailing from Chicago. The band have opened for heavy hitters like Doro, Kittie, among others, as well as touring on their own. Musically, the band have stylistic similarities to fellow Chicago residents Disturbed, but the powerhouse vocals of Margaret Young are what enables A.D.D. to stand out from the pack. Hardly a wimpy Goth girl or tantrum-throwing Riot Grrrl, her vocal delivery is about power and passion rather than anger and aggression, complimenting the songs perfectly. Prime examples are "The Path", "Maybe", "Half Of Me" and my favorite "Waiting". The rest of the band delivers a flawless performance through out, helped by crystal clear production. All of the above qualities are a recipe for success, and A.D.D. are far too talented NOT to break into the big time, so pick up the CD and help make that a reality!



"Persecution" is album "quatre" for this French Metal ensemble, their last being 2003s` "Black Heart". Six years and a label change later, Invictus have re-appeared on the scene with perhaps their strongest material to date. The music on the new disc is Power Metal in the vein of At Vance, Edguy, but there is definitely a lot more variation in the music than last time, with more emphasis placed on songwriting rather than the standard Power Metal bombast, although there is PLENTY of that here as well. Obviously the band went out of their way to ensure each track stood apart from the others, and the tunes definitely flow seamlessly from one to the next. Invictus has always had a somewhat darker edge than many of their peers, particularly in the lyrical themes, and that trait is present, as well. "Agony Of War" deals with the first atomic bomb drop, and is one of the choice cuts on "Persecution", along with the inventive "Face To Face" [parts I, II and III], "Kill The Dogs", "Silence Of Death" and "Spiral", which seems some mixing of Industrial/Ambient elements into the standard Metal sound, to good effect. And of course the high-caliber musicianship that is the bands` stock-in-trade is present, coupled with memorable riffs and hooks that make for a "can`t miss" combination. All told, a very impressive release by a band absent far too long from the scene. "Persecution" will doubtless solidify their position in the Metal world, and hopefully ensure that they release more CDs` on a regular basis! Many thanks to Fitrztyk Mikael, the bands` manager, for the promo copy!


Free Spirit-"Pale Sister Of Light"-2009

21st Century AOR! That`s the best way I can think of to describe Finnish Melodic Rockers Free Spirit. Memorable hooks, huge choruses and massive guitar riffs are the order of the day on the bands` debut album, "Pale Sister Of Light", an 11 track Melodic Rock/Metal album held together by some furiously tight songwriting and top of the line musicianship that is filled to the brim with class. The term "Arena Rock" would not be an inappropriate tag, as Free Spirit obviously took their influences from the best of that particular genre, though their own personality shines through loud and clear. There are several cuts on the CD which definitely have "radio" written all over them; "Shadow Of A Man", "Until The Night", "Heroes Don`t Cry", "Shadow Of A Man" all have massive radio potential. Not content with merely being a "cult band", Free Spirit clearly has their eyes on the prize, and they obviously have the talent to go all the way. We can make sure this happens by purchasing the bands album and merchandise; they deserve to be at the top of the chart a helluva lot more than the Jonas Brothers!! [HUGE thanks to the band for sending me the promo CD for review!]

Free Spirit
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