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Magnum-"Into The Valley Of The Moonking"-2009

2007s` "Princess Alice And The Broken Arrow" was something of a milestone for Magnum, a highlight in a long career filled with highlights. Hailing the CD as being right up there with "On A Storytellers Night", many wondered how Tony Clarkin and company would be able to top it. I suspect that the band don`t trouble themselves on how to out-do their last album so much as how they can make latest one just as good. And they have done exactly that with "Into The Valley Of The Moon King"! Using the elements as a descriptive analogy [yeah, I know how that sounds; just stay with me here, ok?], I would have to say that if "Princess Alice" was AIR, then "Moon King" is definitely EARTH. It has a more stripped down, at times Bluesy feel to it and, as many have remarked, takes a couple of listens before its` impact is truly felt. First off, Rodney Matthews has created yet ANOTHER classic Magnum cover than will doubtless be cherished by fans for many years to come; a Magnum cover done by Rodney seems to guarantee a great album! But of course, no one writes songs like Mr. Clarkin, and yet again he has crafted some future Magnum classics. The beautiful "Intro" features features Mark Stanway's keyboard work setting the tone for what`s to follow: "Cry To Yourself" is more mid-tempo and not quite what one would expect for the opening number, which I believe was the intent; upon repeated plays you realize its` the perfect way to kick things off. Flashes of Magnum albums past abound, particularly on "Moonking", which would not have been out of place on "The Eleventh Hour". Amid the more grandoise arrangements is a nice little slide solo; shades of Deep Purple circa "Perfect Strangers"! One of the standouts for me is "If I Ever Lose My Mind", one of the best songs the band has ever recorded. It also features some of Bob Catley`s best vocal work; if Tony is the heart of Magnum, Bob the soul. His vocals have only improved with age and as always bring Clarkn`s words brilliantly to life. And let us not forget the stellar performances of bassist Al Barrow and returning drummer Harry James, both of whom complete what is probably the bands` best lineup. The final track is the 7 minute "Blood On Your Barbed Wire Thorns", which starts out deceptively like an AC/DC-like rocker and then takes on a more Prog feel with some great lead work by Clarkin. All told, "Into The Valley Of The Moon King" is 12 tracks of Magnum at it`s very best. So buy the CD! Buy the LTD Edition w/ the bonus DVD! Buy the 2-LP set with the gatefold sleeve! Buy `em all and play `em all at once, because you can never get TOO much of a good thing! One of 2009s` BEST!


Tyr-"By The Light Of The Northern Star"-2009

One of THE most original Metal bands around today has released their latest CD, "By The Light Of The Northern Star", and have thus solidified their position as the frontrunners in the whole Viking/Pagan end of the spectrum. Honestly, I can`t lump Tyr in that category, as the Faroese 4-piece have more depth than most of their peers, who seem to be merely posturing. With Tyr, the Viking spirit literally runs through their veins, and they draw on their rich ancestral heritage and traditions and combine them with traditional Metal stylings, crafting songs unlike any other in the Metal realm. The opening track, "Hold The Heathen Hammer High" pretty much sums up what Tyr is all about, and is the perfect kickoff to the album. As far as the songs are concerned, no radical changes have occured and Tyr have pretty much stuck to tradition while refining their overall sound. The latest CD has more similarities to "Ragnarok" than their previous outing "Land" [which reminded me of the first album "How Far To Asgaard"]; because the band has been so prolific in releasing several quality albums in a relatively short period, they now have the luxury of drawing from the traditions they themselves have established. All the while finding new ways to re-invent themselves and keep their identity, which is no easy task! As with all Tyr releases, I can never pick the "choice cuts" as I view the album as a whole, the latest saga, as it were. But put a sword to my throat and I could point to "Turid Torkilsdóttir", "Into The Storm", "Northern Gate" and the title track. "By The Light Of The Northern Star" is yet another notch on Tyr`s chainmail, an album that ensures they will be raiding concert halls for years to come! Show your swords!!!


Aspire-"In Defiance Of Fortune"-2009

"In Defiance Of Fortune" is the much anticipated follow up to ''The Age Of Reckoning", and the 3rd release from US Power Metallists Aspire. The latest release finds the band pretty much staying the course and following the path that Aspire established from the beginning. Highly orchestrated, Progressive Euro Metal [ala Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius]has always been the bands` calling card, and "In Defiance Of Fortune" is probably their most complex yet. It`s certainly their best! Guitarist Al Candello and vocalist Ryan Metzger [both share MIDI programmng duties] have put a great deal of time and effort into the 9 tracks on the CD, crafting songs that are not only challenging from a musical standpoint but also very melodic and memorable AND heavy. Many bands of the genre tend to focus on showing off how many scales and modes they can cram into each track; Aspire are more concerned with melody and power, and manage to comfortably walk the fence between complicated and catchy, another testament to their considerable musical talents. Theme-wise, "In Defiance Of Fortune" appears to be a concept album and, though each individual track can be enjoyed on its` own. "Masquerade", "Bloodline" and "Vengeance [That Day Is Mine]" are examples of this. Yet another brilliant release from one of the most creative bands in Metal. And as this is a self-released album, Aspire [along with other groups in the same boat] don`t have the luxury of major label support, relying instead on a D.I.Y. approach. The continued support of the fans helps ensure that we get more great albums from bands like Aspire, so go to their website and pick up their albums. One of the top Metal albums of the year. [Special thanks to Al and Ryan for mentioning me in the CD liner notes!!!]


Holy Moses-"Agony Of Death"-2008

Germany has given the world some of the finest Thrash Metal bands ever, one of whom is Holy Moses. On "Agony Of Death", the band have unleashed an album that ranks along side their very best. All the best elements of the band are on display; crushing guitars, a thunderous rhythm section, and of course the original Lungs Of Hell, Sabina Classen. While those weaned on some of the newer female vocalists with similar styles may not see anything original here, the fact remains that Sabina did it first, AND did it better! Pop this into your CD player and you`ll unleash pure HELL, as one listen to tracks like "Pseudohalluzination", "Angels In War", "Alienation" or any other cut will prove. The songs are cleverly linked by atmospheric keyboards, designed to lull you into a trance before unloading in yer face with the furious Metallic onslaught that only Holy Moses can deliver! A near perfect Euro Thrash Metal extravaganza by a band who helped create the genre, and who continue to re-define it! A must have!!!!

Holy Moses

Fatal Smile-"World Domination"-2008

I was never the worlds` biggest Glam fan, truth be told. By "Glam", I`m referring to the `Eighties version of Glam, not the `Seventies [another genre I had little time for], though there were some bands who were good at it and made some killer music. The early `Eighties were probably the best for this particular style; the Ratt EP, Motley Crue`s "Too Fast For Love", the first WASP album for example. After that, things got light & cheesy [Warrant, anyone?]. However, some current up and comers have taken their cues from the best that Glam had to offer and filtered it through the 21st Century, melding the hairspray, rouge and fast living Hollywood mentality with a leaner, meaner sound. A prime example is Sweden`s Fatal Smile. Their sophmore album, "World Domination", features cuts of Modern Glam Rock, roughed up and stripped down; more balls, less cheese. While not exactly revolutionary, Fatal Smile plays with a conviction and spit-in-yer-eye confidence that`s makes it clear they can "walk the walk"! Songs like "S.O.B.", "Primed & Ready", "Run For Your Life", and "Straight To Hell" are but a few prime examples of the first-rate songwriting abilities, aided by the stellar production of Michael Wagner. Think naming an album "World Domination" is an empty act of bravado? I wouldn`t be so sure. Keep an eye on these guys!!!

Fatal Smile
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