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Shadowside-"Theater Of Shadows"-2007

For many in North America and elsewhere, Brazil`s main Metal export has always been Sepultra. But all that`s changed with the arrival of a 4-piece Metal machine called Shadowside! Formed 6 years ago, the band issued their debut album, "Theater Of Shadows" in 2005, then re-released it in late 2007. The CD contains 13 cuts of classy, straight forward Power Metal in the European vein; crunching guitars, high flying solos, all the best elements of the genre. Sure, you may have heard it all before, you just haven`t heard it done by Shadowside! The band perform the songs with power, passion, conviction and a genuine love for Metal. What MORE could one ask? One of Shadowside`s most potent weapons is powerhouse vocalist Dani Nolden, whose firey performance here proves she can go toe-to-toe with the best voices on the scene, male OR female. But the music is what counts, and the band deliver the goods. Check out tracks like "Vampire Hunter", "We Want A Miracle", "Queen Of The Sky", "Tonight" and a faithful cover of Dio`s "Rainbow In The Dark". And with Shadowside currently making inroads here in the states, it`s a sure bet they won`t remain in the shadows for long. Highly recommended!!!


The Owl Watches-"Guaranteed To Be 100% Free Of Hit Singles"-2007

With a title like "Guaranteed To Be 100% Free Of Hit Singles", you KNOW this ain`t gonna be the usual Clear Channel-approved pap! Atlanta, Georgia`s very own Phil McKenna returns with his third solo album, which finds him injecting an acid wit into this latest collection of tunes, the humor at times bordering on Zappa-esque. [always wanted to use that term!] The result is some of Phil`s most accomplished work to date. Be warned, however; this stuff is.......experimental to say the least! [Billboard would never touch this one, and thank God for that!] But for those with a taste for for the avant garde are surely for a treat. One of the most striking features here is that, while the music is definitely of an "out there" nature, Phil manages to anchor his aural oddities to more tangible themes. From bubble-brained pop divas to major label corporate greed, nothing is exempt from his lethal lampoonery. Best of all, the album displays some of Phil`s best instrumental work yet; check out his rippin` guitar work in "Just What Did My Royalties Pay For?". The prolific Mr. McKenna has released 3 albums in 5 years, each an expansion and refinement of the one before it. Phil is a Progressive artist in the truest sense of the word, and "Guaranteed...." only solidifies his position. Album number 4 is currently in the works, and the best way to ensure that the Owl`s next opus sees daylight is to go to his CD Baby page and order his material. But you`re already doing that, aren`t you? [Thanks yet AGAIN for sharing your music with me, Phil!]

The Owl Watches
The Owl Watches @ CD Baby

Jamie Mallender-EP-2007

Jamie Mallander has quite a resume: bass player for ex-Sabbath singer Tony Martin`s band, and also holding down the bottom end for Oskura, as well as performing solo cover gigs. Now Jamie has added solo artist to his list of credentials. The 4 tracks on this EP are the fruits of that labor. Recorded and produced by Jamie, he also played all instruments as well as vocals. [wonder if he does windows, too?] The songs here are in the soft Rock/Pop vein, with the emphasis on clever hooks and pleasing vocal harmonies. The tunes are: "You Move Me", "Don't Let It Slip Away", "Broken Promises, Lies + Pain" and "Hold On To Me". Jamie has quite a knack for writing memorable tunes, and nowhere is this more evident than on "Don't Let It Slip Away". a brilliant piece of Pop tunesmanship that amply displays Jamie`s formidible song-writing and instrumental skills. [and features a nice bass intro as well as a sweet little guitar solo at the end]. Jamie has stated that the reason for releasing the free downloadable EP is for promotional purposes: a showcase for a promising, multi-talented artist. So please visit Jamie`s My Space page, download the 4 songs and enjoy! And spread the word; Jamie`s also commented that he`s "too old to get signed". I`ve a hunch he`ll be proven wrong real soon!

Jamie Mallender

Ghost Brigade-"Guided By Fire"-2007

"Modern" Metal is a curious beast, at times a mixture of Melodic Death, Gothic AND Metalcore. The zillion bands currently mining this style are something of an aquired taste, yet there ARE some among them that do get creative it, enabling them to stand out from the pack. Mastadon is a good example of this, as is Finland`s Ghost Brigade. "Guided By Fire" is the band`s debut and on first listen, they seem to have "cherry picked" their sound from various other bands. A little Lamb Of God here, a bit of Opeth there, a dash of Paradise Lost and just a sprinkling of God Forbid for seasoning. But all bands do this; the trick is to seamlessly blend it all and make it your own, which Ghost Brigade does quite successfully. Plus, they manage to create memorable hooks and catchy riffs, something similar bands fail to do. The sheer heaviness, dark subject matter and at times atmospheric arrangements give the band an edge in the overcrowded aggro-Metal ranks, which will ensure them a longevity many of their less-talented peers won`t enjoy. Definitely worth checking out!

Ghost Brigade

Torman Maxt-"The Problem Of Pain: Part 1-2007"

Attach the word "Progressive" to either Rock or Metal, and lots of different images come to mind; math-Metal chord structures, endless solos of technically precise arpeggios, keyboard solos galore. On the other hand, stick the word "Christian" next to the aforementioned genres and many people think "Stryper". [`Nuff said!] That is, unless we`re talking about Torman Maxt! Here is a band that mixes the above styles, attacks each at it`s strongest point and emerges with what is certainly one of the most unique Rock albums in many a moon! Dream Theater comparisons have no place here; think more along the lines of "A Farewell To Kings" by Rush and you`re on the right track. "The Problem Of Pain: Part 1" is a concept album based on the Book Of Job. In less capable hands, such a project would fail miserably. Yet this power trio [guitarist/vocalist Tony Massaro, bassist/keyboardist Dom Massaro and drummer Vincent Masaro] are seasoned pros with both the instrumental skill as well as the personal conviction required to bring the story vividly to life. The production and arrangements are straight forward, never overblown or overwrought. Doing a track-by-track analysis would be pointless, as the CD is meant to be taken as a whole. you want a collection of hit singles, move along! But if you`re looking for a truly one-of-a-kind experience, no matter what your personal beliefs of musical preferences, check out Torman Maxt; you will NOT be dissapointed!!!!

Torman Maxt
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