Wasted Money

Wasted Money

Back to the Watchers Connection

Story by: Lucilla Phoenix -Reporter

Okay…well, at our crappy school…at the end of last year (last school year which was 2001) the school thought to try to attempt to make the school look somewhat richer or nicer or whatever. They did this by putting pop machines in the cafeteria. When we first saw them, we were in complete amazement. Finally we could get something to drink without going to the school store or lunch line.

I started using them for the first week (maybe not even that) then one day they were all out of order. So we figured they’ll refill them over the weekend or something. But no, they were still out of order when we came back on Monday, and it has remained that way, even now. It pisses me off. Why the hell do they have them for then? It’s a waste of money if you ask me, if they won’t let us use them.

Then recently someone told me they are for the sports teams after school. That’s stupid, just for them. I mean, it’ll be nice for soccer season (when I start doing my running and passing out in the hallway, lol), but still, what about the kids who don’t do sports, and don’t want to spend their whole lunch hour standing in line for a drink. Our school can be so stupid sometimes.