Just Who Really Is The Crazy One?

Just Who Really Is the Crazy One?

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Reporters Yves Adele Harlow and Max Xeus take you on an amazing adventure of the human mind…

Yves says:
We all know about crazy people. You know the ones that run around in circles saying that a dog is chasing them when they are all alone in their room? Well sure, maybe they are crazy, but what if they’re not? Maybe just because we don’t understand or don’t want to understand, we call them crazy?

What if they are still sane? People who we call crazy might actually be sane, but are seeing things we are not or cannot see. Say for instance one person might see a field and another might see a house surrounded by a field, but there is no house. Say there used to be a house there, but it burned to the ground 50 years ago. That would be when we might call that person a psychic or when some people might call that person mildly crazy.

Then it progresses until you get the ones who are completely immersed in ‘the other world’ we’ll call it. Like the example above with the person being chased by a non-existent dog. Maybe there is a dog, but in another form, such as a ghost. It seems far-fetched, but you never know. You never will know because you cannot get in that person’s mind and see what they see. Their ‘world’ might seem real to them and if their house in their ‘world’ is burning, then they are going to want to get out. Just like any other person would if their real house were burning down.

Sometimes it really makes you wonder who is crazy. There’s a fine line between being different and being truly mentally incapacitated. Scientists just believe in what they can see and feel for themselves that is within reason and rationality. Because scientists are supposed to know a lot about science, we often lean towards what they think because we want to be smart too. We do it sometimes consciously and unconsciously. Some people choose to think for themselves, come to their own conclusions, and decided the scientists are wrong about some things. Basically, it’s like religion; some people believe in God, others believe in a moon goddess, and others believe in Allah.

When a person who has almost died says that they saw a bright light and saw long dead family members, they might be telling the truth. It seems real enough to them to believe. Of course, they could only be dreaming, but you just don’t know. Many people feel like their dreams are real, but wake up only to realize that it was not. We write off ‘seeing the light’ as a common thing that most comatose people see or dream.

Just remember that scientists don’t know everything like they think they do. They still haven’t totally figured out Einstein’s theories yet (Note from Max: Then again, has anyone even figured out Einstein himself yet?). They are constantly learning new things, figuring out new ideas, and are constantly being proven wrong. Scientists said in the 1930s that there would never be ray or laser guns. Now look how they are fixing eyes, removing tattoos, and aiming guns. With lasers.

Max says:
Yves, that wasn’t what I meant when I thought of the topic. Although your interpretation was awesome, mine’s a lot different.

Ever since the early 1100s, people have been thrown in Insane Asylums, Psycho Wards, Mental Hospitals, call it what you will. But, amazingly enough, not all of them were ‘crazy’ by our definition today.

You may not believe it, but gay people used to be put in with the insane people. This cruel act actually just stopped not even forty years ago. But if you look at the time span from 1100 to 2000, forty years isn’t that long. So, if you were gay, you were mentally unstable. Also, if you had migraines, you were mentally unstable. Victims of fevers were constantly certified as mentally unstable because of the illusions that the fevers will give. Sounds horrible, doesn’t it?

Now, here’s the good part. Ever think that maybe you were the crazy person and that insane person was really sane? I’ll bet you didn’t. I see it this way: Look up normal in the dictionary. It will say: According with, consulting, or not deviating from any norm, rule, or principle. <---According to “Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary.”

Once you have the definition for normal think about this: crazy people aren’t normal now, are they? They cut themselves, they want to commit suicide, they are obsessive-compulsive about washing their hands, they masturbate, they want sex constantly, they believe that they are always sick, they are pedophiles, they are rapists, they are continual liars, they are murderers, they are your next door neighbors.

Now, I’m not saying that your neighbors are pedophiles or rapists or anything, but think about what I just wrote. These are the people that are still constantly admitted to Psycho Wards in hospitals. So if you’ve ever wanted to commit suicide, you are crazy. If you’ve ever cut yourself on purpose, you are crazy. If you have Depression, you are crazy. I guess that makes me crazy.

There is a fine line between genius and complete insanity (which I believe is when you’re drooling and can’t speak because you think way too much to comprehend what your thinking or you laugh eerily for no reason in particular, but maybe that’s not insanity…). You never know when you cross the fine line. In fact, maybe we’ve all crossed it, and that mentally ill just haven’t crossed yet…

George Carlin: Sometimes a little brain damage can help.

George Carlin: Those who dance are considered insane by those who can’t hear the music.

Taken from George Carlin's book titled "Brain Droppings."