A Letter Concerning the Watchers Connection

A Letter Concerning the Watchers Connection

Story by: Max Xeus, Reporter

You know, lately I’ve been thinking about people who are passionate about theirbeliefs. Hey, that’s cool! Be passionate about what you believe in and what you believe tobe true. But hold on. Why do people constantly state their side by offending the people on the other side? It doesn’t seem fair.

I’ll admit that I swear too much. I know I swear too much. It’s a vice, a bad habit, whatever you want to call it. But for the past month or so, I’ve been thinking about how I can state my case without using any swear words. That would be a wonderful thing for everyone to learn that comes to this site. We also all need to learn to take an open-minded view to whatever we happen to be writing on, whether it’s religion or an every day thing like what we had for dinner.

I read one of Yves’ responses on the Watcher’s Connection Message Board, and I have to admit that she never ceases to amaze me. She always keeps her cool about controversial things and never gives a response that you can be angry at. We all should learn from her.

Ever wonder what would happen if you were at a press conference for some reason or other and the word “fuck” came out of your mouth? Let me tell you what: you wouldn’t be asked to another conference, that’s for sure. Yeah, it’s a hypothetical situation, but it can be applied anywhere. At a debate, a staff meeting at work, even at school during a speech. So let’s try and lay off the swearing, all right?

Secondly, about being passive. That’s another thing we need to learn from Yves: she’s so passive about things that she seems aggressive. And I mean that as a compliment. She doesn’t have to threaten or swear to get her point across. That’s really cool, Yves. I admire you for it, and everyone here needs to learn from it.

I get easily offended and I won’t deny that. But hey, sometimes you have to take the blows as they come and block them as honorably has possible, right? Right. I don’t like it when people call me a “Band Dork” in a patronizing way, not in a joking manner. I don’t appreciate being condescended because I’m Pagan (yes, Yves, it’s Pagan because of too many Insta-Wiccans LOL). And I really don’t like it when people laugh at me because of my interests.

So let’s try and lay off all the swearing, okay? And try to see things from other points of view. When we reply to messages, let’s try and sound interested, even if we’re only defending ourselves. We shouldn’t put the other person down, but tell them what we think, what our views are on the subject, and say AS A SUGGESTION that maybe they should word their message a bit differently. Can we try that? Please?

Thanks Bunches and Blessed Be,

Max Xeus