A Jinx on A Lunch

A Jinx on A Lunch

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Story by Yves Adele Harlow - Reporter

Is it just me, or does it seem like A Lunch has a jinx on it? There have been many "almost fights" and actual fights. Bobbie can vouch for everything that goes on in A Lunch since she always gets to see more then I do because she's taller and I'm just a tree stump compared to her lol. Well, if not jinxed, then I have to say it is the most exciting lunch time. There was a fight between Penny Mylart, and some other guy, and there were other people joining in. Then a few days ago, there was almost a fight between Jon Delverly and some kid. Then on the same day there was almost another fight, but it got broken up really quick, so I have no idea who was arguing.

Besides all the fights and excitement in the actual lunchroom, time to time there is a breakdancing session out in the hallway outside the lunchroom. Actually, I don't think they're doing it much anymore, but people used to breakdance out there almost everyday at the beginning of school. Then a few times there have been "almost fights" outside in that hallway.

I really think there is something about A Lunch, because everyone always talks about things that happen in A Lunch and it seems like nothing really happens in B Lunch. Of course it was like that last year too. I had B Lunch last year and I think there was a grand total of 2 attempted fights thoughout the year and maybe 2 real fights at the most. I remember that A Lunch had a lot going on last year too.

Well, since we're only two years into being in Taylortucky High School, we'll just have to see what goes on for the rest of the year and the next two, and decide if A Lunch really is jinxed...