To Your Health

To Your Health

Back To The Watchers Connection

Story by: Yves Adele Harlow Reporter

These days, everything is bad for your health. Swimming, talking on cell phones, tanning, watching TV, listening to the radio, and even exercising. There are many other things that also damage your health like radiation, and for policeman, the guns that they use to detect how fast you are driving.

Swimming. Swimming is good for your health most of the time, but you have to be careful where you swim. Some lakes and rivers have bad chemicals in them and sometimes the chemicals can come from power plants or factories near them. Plus, there can be a lot of germs in the lakes too. Keep in mind that not all of the lakes are like that, but some are. So if you go swimming in those places before you find out it’s not safe to swim in, you’re likely to catch some sort of disease.

Watching TV. I love watching TV. It’s much more interesting than my life. Probably the same goes for a lot of people in the world. It helps you escape from the downs in your life and takes you to other places in the world while you stay comfortably seated somewhere in you house. Well, that’s all well and good, but if you watch a lot of TV, some of your brain cells start to go away. Not very fast, but gradually over time. So that’s definitely bad news for me. Plus the worn out phrase that parents across the world have told their children many a time, “Don’t sit too close to the TV. You’ll hurt your eyes.” Their not lying to you, trust me.

Working On Computers. Many people, including one of my cousins, work on computers at home and work everyday. My cousin had a job where she sat at a computer everyday doing calculations and writing out forms and a lot of other things nonstop. She used to have a lot of migraines and her eyes hurt. When she left, she stopped having migraines. When I work on the computer too long, my eyes hurt and I have to keep rubbing them. There are special glasses out there that protect your eyes and allow you to work on the computer without all the migraines and eye problems.

Talking On Cell Phones. Cell phones have certain wave patterns that affect your brain and alter your thinking process. They can also give you cancer. Do you notice how many people there are today with all kinds of cancer? A lot of the old people don’t know how to even use cell phones if they even have any. So if a lot of them get cancer already for whatever reasons, just think of all the cancer patients we are going to have in the future since most of the population has cell phones. Altered thinking processes and cancer aren’t the only bad things to come out of cell phones. There are people out there who are in such a hurry, or are just plain dumb, that have this need to talk on their cell phones while they are in their car. Teenagers I think do it because they want to look cool, just like with the cigarettes, but the grown ups supposedly do it because they need to make important phone calls and blah blah blah. But they are not only putting their own life in danger, but everyone else’s life who is out on the road driving or walking. Their attention is taken away from driving, no matter how good they say they can drive. There have been countless accidents caused by people talking on their cell phones.

Tanning. My God, people! Tanning is another fashion. People go tanning to keep in style and have that Britney Spears look. She even put a tanning booth in her tour bus so she can always have her tan. People want the California look. Especially the young people. Of course, those very same people don’t want wrinkles. I’m not saying everyone who goes to the beach don’t want wrinkles because some people don’t really care. They just want to have fun. But the people who go to the beach everyday or go tanning, you are most likely going to get a lot of wrinkles. Like Alessandra Geen for example. She goes tanning every week during the winter and one time she went everyday for two weeks. Well, the o-zone layer is so bad, you can get badly burned out in the sun if you don’t have sunscreen on. Plus, even if you have the sunscreen, if you stay out too long you can get skin cancer. All that just to look cool when you’re young. When you’re in your thirties, you’ll be sorry.

Exercising. Even exercising has been found to be bad for a small number of people. They can faint and get asthma just from exercising. Plus they can get a rare condition where it’s fatal to exercise and they are forced to take medication. It’s rare, but it does happen.

Eating. We all know the problems with eating. Eat too little, wither away and become unhealthy. Eat too much, become a living hot air balloon. But there are other bad things about eating. If you eat raw meat, you can get diseases. If you eat raw chicken, or touch a raw chicken and don’t wash your hands, you can get salmonella.

Everything can be harmful to your health these days. So my suggestion is, pay attention to the news and keep up with all this stuff that is going on in the world that deals with human health.

George Carlin: There is something refreshingly ironic about people lying on the beach contracting skin cancer, in an attempt to acquire a purely illusory appearance of good health while germ-laden medical waster washes up on the sand all around them.

Taken from George Carlin's book titled "Brain Droppings."