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"School Lunch Expose", Teen Gift List for 2003, New Rules for Tattoos, Lower Pay for Teachers, Car Industry, Teen Stress, & New Music Downloading.

Our Advertisements Section should be up and running in the next issue!.

Thanks to the Virtual Voice Staff & Ms. Scragg for making this issue possible. Photos, Logos, Buttons & HTML By: Vijay Persaud


  Issue One


Article No.1
"Will Salaries Please College Fees?"
In this article we discuss the rising cost of college tuiton and how it is not equal to the salaries of the average American.
Click Here | By: B. Alexander
Article No.2
Points out the expensive contracts that many players negotiate and how it directly and indirectly almost caused a disastrous baseball strike
Click Here | By:J. Pierre
Article No.3
"Illegal Lightup"

Our columnist Explains to you how the tobacco industry spends millions of advertising dollars on teenagers who aren't even allowed to legally smoke. It explains how they use teens at their mercy
Click Here | By: T. Kirkland
Article No.4
"Maximizing Minimum Wage"

Pros and Cons of raising the minimum wage. Explains ideas on both sides whether or not the wages should be raised. This article also features some insight if it should be raised or not?
Click Here | By: C.Hayden
Article No.5
"Hype Over Health"

Discusses the glamorization of video games by the video game industry. The article tells us how the gaming industry does not give adequate information on the health risks or their products.
Click Here | By: D.Cunningham
Article No.6
"College Graduate...Now What?"

Have any of you decided what you would like to do with your high school diploma once you've graduated? Read this article and we're sure that you'll be motivated to succeed.
Click Here | By: M.Ofori

Article No.7
Provides significantly good reasons to promote your business online and details the many advantages or creating an online presence.
Click Here | By: J.Duarte
Article No.8
"Dressing For The Name Like Money Ain't a Thang"
Today's young people and their need to buy brand name clothing. It talks about how expensive clothing is and the lack of appreciation they have for the dollar. baseball strike
Click Here | By:D.Reid
Article No.9
"Bootleggers: Friend Or Foe?"

This article goes in depth on who does the bootlegging, why and even who are the beneficiaries of the new age of bootlegging. It also defends both sides of the tables in this article
Click Here | By: R. Caldwell
Article No.10
"Putting Paper On Plastic"

An article that points out how easy it is for teenagers to obtain a credit card and in turn how hard it is for them to open a saving account.
Click Here | By: R.Daverin
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