The Sorting Hat!

"Remember Harry, it is our choices and not our abilities, that make us what we truly are." - Dumbledore

1. You think a burglar has entered the house, so you....

A. Run right out and deal with it yourself before you know what you're doing

B Sit in the corner and hide

C Pick up the phone and dial 9-1-1

D Get yourself out of there as quickly as you can, leaving anyone else behind

2. Someone is in trouble, so you...

A. Go and help them, regardless of the consequences

B. Go find someone to help them and follow, but you stay a few feet behind

C. Help someone who's attempting to save them, but you think you should tell someone first

D. See if it's one of your friends....and think hard if you're in any danger, if so, you don't go

3. You see someone making fun of someone else, so you...

A. Go over and put a stop to it

B. Be hesitant about doing anything and before you can someone else goes over to help, so you go stand behind them for support

C. Go find a teacher

D. Join in

4. You consider yourself...

A. brave and loyal

B. loyal and kind

C. smart and kind

D. smart and mischevious

5. Which house would you like to be in?

A. Gryffindor

B Hufflepuff

C Ravenclaw

D Slytherin

Mostly A's

Mostly B's

Mostly C's

Mostly D's

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