
March 31, 2003- We've been working on the website, but it's still under construction. I just found out today that we need to have a business license and a tax receipt to accept donations that will be donated to PETA etc. Grrr! I'll get on it ASAP!

May 2, 2003- One word, SLOW! I have indeed been working on the website but theres just so much to do and this computer from the jurassic period isnt helping! Good news though, The members page is up and I will soon apply to have the TSAT website added to the WWW!!! *partay* I'm still working on tax exemption but TSAT may not have to apply for incrorporation which means we only need a constitution and a charitable solicitation certificate and then we are on our way to our 1st campaign *clap clap*


July- Nothing added yet!

Other News:

Our own, Tammy Crowe, has won the Annual Fallbrook Rotary Speech contest with her Speech on the inhumanity of animal experimentation. Her speech will be posted in the future. She won a $100 first place reward! Congrats!

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