T.S.A.T. is an acronym for Teens Stopping Animal Testing. I was on the internet one day and having such a strong compassion for animals, I stumbleed upon a vivesection website. The image of a tiny kitten being tested on, made tears instantly pour from my eyes. It was then and there at that very moment that I realized that this world can be very creul and sitting around on the internet would not do anything to help it. I instinctively took action researching the topic of animal experimentation and soon an idea began blossoming in my mind. Inspired by the tireless efforts of popular animal welfare organizations such as PETA, NAVS, and the ASPCA I decided to formulate my own group whos soul cause was to help those less frotunate animals in laboratories across the world. Next I called my Best Friend, Amber and she totally agreed with my actions and joined in. We stayed up night after night visiting websites and even checking out piles of books from the library. All we ask is that you help us on our quest to help abolish animal experimentation.
----Tammy C.

ORGANIZATION: T.S.A.T. (Teens Stopping Animal Testing)

FOUNDING DATE: October 2001

FOUNDERS: Tammy Crowe(President), Amber Rahming(President)

MISSION: Our Mission is to slowly abolish the heartless and cruel acts of COSMETIC and some PHARMECEUTICAL animal experimentation. As well as to eliminate other acts of animal cruelty in the process.

PROCEDURE: Campaigning/Tabling on scheduled dates in the Fallbrook, CA area.

PROCEEDS/DONATIONS: Since TSAT is simply a small town charitable organization trying to make a difference in the lives of helpless animals, we can not accept donations via internet, but we can accept donation by mail or at anyone of our campaign dates in the Fallbrook area. We can accept both cash and check donations only. When making a check donation you must choose where you want the proceeds to go; PETA, NAVS, or to TSAT and then make the check out to your chosen organization. Proceeds are distributed as follows: 2/5- PETA, 2/5-NAVS, 1/5- TSAT. If you would like to send a donation by mail please send to: TSAT Teen Stopping Animal Testing 40790 Via De La Roca Fallbrook Ca 92028


Amber Rahming(Red Hair in Photo)- Hi my name is Amber. I am from California. I am 14 years old and I am totally against animal testing it is only a job for heartless, cruel, imhumane people who have nothing better to do than destroy the lives of others. All we ask is to stop this cruel and vilont activity. "The voices for the voiceless"

Tammy Crowe(Brunette in Photo)- Hi I'm Tammy, I'm 14 years old and live in California. I believe that animal experimentation is an absolutely cowardly act that is extremely cruel, heartless, and completely unnecessary. Our duty as humans is to help those that are helpless. How can these horible monsters destroy God's most innocent and helpless creatures? Something needs to be done about this horrid inhumane act. Each and every day millions of innocent animals are destroyed simply for the act of making hairspray or some new product. Why do we constantly value the lives of people over the lives of animals? Are they any less deserving? I think NOT! Hopefully in the near future we will no longer suffer under the false assumption that animal testing saves lives; because it most definatly does NOT. What can two small town girls trying to make a difference in the world say? We desperately need your help to save the lives of poor kittens, puppies, and bunnies.

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