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hey remember when this thing used to be updated

Meet Mike:Hey Mike remember that time we were on the run from the law so we decided to make for Mexico and we ended up in Russia because you dosed of and I have no sense of direction. I still have the scar you gave me.

Meet Trevor: One time I was in this cave and it was dark and all of a sudden this music started playing and for some reason I couldn't believe my eyes it was elvis standing in front of me!!!!

Mikes friend Mike
Trevor's Poetry page
Stole a Glance
Trevor's friend Caleb
Trevor's Brother Chad
Our buddy Carter
Mike's Blogger Site
Trevor's Blogger Site
home star runner
Mike's Friend Peter

May 7 - July 8 2003
March 31 - May 4 2003
March 13 - March 26 2003
Feb 19 - March 3 2003
Jan 29 - Feb 16 2003

August 13, 2003
Has anyone been reading the posts on the guestbook...Geez!! Like seriously get a would think the blogger sites would be enough for the time being but no! Some people just aren't happy. One reason is that I've had no adventures to report at all. Maybe if I had a date or someone put me on a hook up site or something or I had some people to hang out with I would have something to report. But I just sit here in my humble abode and try to avoid arguments with the "house" people. I go to work...I avoid arguments...its what I do...stop asking for more. When i go to school in a couple weeks i'll have way more to report but I will probably end up just posting that stuff on the blogger anyways. So live with it. Trevor is back in january and when he returns i'm sure the adventures will be pumping out like rabbits in heat. Until then we're all gonna need some patience...

July 28, 2003
Hey everyone, Its mike again. Ok a few things first. Yes trevor and I both have new blogger sites and until we get together again i could see us posting most stuff on those sites. Just means double the fun and definatly check out trevor's cause that guy is doing some amazing things on there. Somehow its funny how both our sites have mostly the same things posted on them, good times. Anyways Also a quick note that everyone that comes here needs to check out my friend peter's blogger as well, the link is down below, definatly check it out. He's got one post on there and he's funny funny funny. He's a great friend so I won't be to surprised if there's stuff on there about me as well in the future since we work together. Good times. Alright well check it all out, as far as my life goes nothing has really changed, girls are still wierd and I will never understand them and i'm working lots now. Also going camping this weekend with my cuz steve. Alright peace all.

July 21, 2003
Hey everyone. I would like to say that I started a blogger. I have the website on the links section so you can all check that out. Just a place where I will put my thoughts on different things, should be sweet. I am nearing the end of my holidays as I go back to work on wendsday. Well start work I should say. I'm going to be framing with a couple friends and another guy. I haven't done much lately, just kinda hung around with steve and golfed or played nintendo. I played bass yesterday at church in didsbury and that was good cause its been over a year since i've done that sort of thing, it was cool to do that again. Anyways until we meet again, peace.

July 17, 2003
MSN is great. Man I talk to Mike at work more than I talk to people at work. But seriously folks they're the... the... the best. I'think I'm finally getting organized. I have 2 youth events pretty much planned now. and Mike is long winded

July 14, 2003
Its Mike here and i've been given a really hard time because I haven't written anything here but yet done so many things, so here goes. As many of you know we went to the cornerstone festival in bushnell illinois. It was a week long trip and I still can't believe i've been home for a week now. The trip was amazing and it was cool to see God work during the week. We made some amazing american friends thus reminding me that our two countries are exactly the same minus some language barriers. Anyways we saw some really amazing bands and I fell in love with brandtson and mewithoutyou. Couple of really really cool bands. The trip itself was really amazing because it was 28 hours one way. I ended up driving like 2/3's of the time which was cool cause while the other guys slept I was able to do lots of thinking and see lots of cool sites in the U S of A. Amazing trip though and I really want to go back again next year but take a ton of people, couple cars, that would be amazing. If your ever in the neighborhood stop on in and i'll tell you more stories about the trip and show you my pics and stuff. Some stuff just can't be said on here cause of lack of space. After we got home last monday I just hung around last week. I plan on taking time off gallore before I go back to work. I am still off work this week and I think i'm gonna go to construction starting next week if I can. That will give me one more week off to just sit around and do a lot of nothing. Last Thurs I went to the stampede with Beth. It was a really really fun time hanging out there. She came down from Red Deer to go with me. Special hey...We went and saw the super dogs and the motocross bikes fly through the air. Since we are both not huge fans of the rides we didn't go on anything. She's even scared of the farris wheel which is cool with me cause i'm not a big fan of the heights either. We ended up watching this really horrible band. I dunno how they ended up getting a spot at the stampede but somehow they did, really bad though. Yesterday I went to the mountains...good times were had by all as we hiked up this glacier, it was cool cause we were on the top of this little peak and if you stepped the wrong way to your left you would roll and fall down this 50-75 foot drop and probably break a few bones. It was rather exciting as I don't do that sort of thing that often. Again i'm getting my pics developed today so we'll have to see how those turn out. And if your in the neighborhood come on over and i'll show you pics of all my trips over the last two weeks, its been a blast and God has been there through it all. Thanks God. Thanks for reading everyone and I hope that this ties you over for a while. I will write again soon.
