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Hey, what's up? I changed my site (again ;) ) and this time I promise I'll try to keep it not too complicated but interesting and I promise I'll update it a lot (unless I get grounded again)

So how is everyone? Lately, everything here is COLD!!! Even my cat refuses to go outside, and she's a big outdoorsy kitty. I'm trying to make little bootie things and like a sweater or something because I really wish she could go outside w/ us and I <3 her. :)

Hey, guess what CD I got? Alien Ant Farm, the "ANThology" one. I REALLY want the LFO cd Life Is Good, I taped most of the songs (well, all) off my friend's cd but I want the real one. :( Oh well, thank goodness 4 Christmas! ;)

Well, I'm going to start on the other pages. ttfn tata 4 now
<3 always,

:* Kistt By An Angel *:

10 Things I Hate About School

Quick Jump

My favorite celebrities
Cartoon Dolls
