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Theological Exploration of Vocation: Welcome!
France: Summer, 2002

The Beginning
Taking Flight

The Tour:
22 July - 28 July: Paris
28 July - 1 August: Caen
1 August - 3 August: St. Malo
3 August - 6 August: Nantes
6 August - 13 August: Lourdes
13 August - 15 August: Arles
15 August - 18 August: Le Puy
18 August - 24 August: Taize
24 August - 30 August: Auxerre
30 August - 3 September: Paris
2 September - 7 September: Troyes
7 September - 10 September: Nancy

So, why a pilgrimage?
With much gratitude


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Qu'est-ce que tu cherches, mon enfant?
What are you searching for, my child?

My name is Stephanie Durnford and I am an alum of Manchester College's Theological Exploration of Vocation, funded by the Lilly Foundation.

This grant has afforded me numerous opportunities to explore both my vocation and my spirituality. Through their generous grant, I was able to explore the true meaning of "pilgrimage" this past summer. It is my hope that, by having this experience, I will be better able to place my faith in my vocational call - and live my life as it was meant to be lived.

The goal of this website is not to tell you exactly what to do when taking a spiritual journey. Much like in our lives, our experiences with our faith takes on different characteristics. The goal is to allow you to seek information in how a journey like this might be planned, and one young woman's experiences as she traveled. Much of the writing has been taken directly from my journals from the time. It is my hope that, even if you cannot take the physical journey, you may be able to begin the exploration inside of your soul, to grow ever closer to God.

The site, much like my journey itself, is constantly evolving. I am still figuring things out, adding things, finding more information in my journal. I came back with more than 600 pictures, and more than 100 pages of writing in my journal (not to mention what I had emailed to people while I was traveling). Trying to fit it all into the site has been difficult. As I learn more and more ways to incorporate the lessons and the knowledge into my life, it is added to this page. Feel free to peruse throughout the site. If you choose to come back, it will more than likely be different. So, welcome. May your journey be as fruitful as mine has been...

May His peace be ever with you.

Namaste - and welcome.
Namaste is an Eastern greeting - the Divinity in me acknowledges/greets the Divinity in you.
Stephanie Durnford
(c) 2003; Please don't steal