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T's Mississippi Mud Cups
tgray, Texas

This is great for parties! 

You need:

  • 1 dozen Dixie Cups... Kitchen Size
  • 1 small bag milk chocolate chips
  • 1-1/2 cups milk
  • 1 package Vanilla Instant Pudding
  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee
  • 3-1/2 cups Cool Whip (don't use anything else, you need that flavor)
  • More Cool Whip for topping
  • 1 jar fudge sauce 
Put the milk chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on medium until melted. I find that it's best to check and stir about every 15 seconds.

Once the milk chocolate chips are thoroughly melted and runny, pour some into a Dixie cup. Roll the Dixie cup around until the bottom and sides are thoroughly coated with chocolate. Pour more chocolate in if needed, pour out any excess. 

 **tip:  be sure that it's not too thin a layer or it will break too easily.   A good, slightly thick layer works best.**

Put the "chocolate cup" into the fridge to harden.  Repeat on all 12 cups.  

Once the chocolate cups have hardened (about 30 minutes):

Pour the milk into a large mixing bowl.  

Add the vanilla pudding mix and the instant coffee.  Beat with  for approximately 1 minute, until completely mixed.  Let it stand 5 minutes. 

Gently fold in the Cool Whip.

Now, get the chocolate cups from the fridge. Tear off the Dixie cup.  (you make 12 because some may break. Don't worry if you can't fill all 12 cups.)

Gently spoon in the pudding mixture.  Fill it until it's level.

Freeze until firm, or about 6 hours.

Before you serve it, put some Cool Whip in a baggie. Snip one corner off and top the cup, as decoratively as you can, with the Cool Whip.

Put some of the chocolate or fudge sauce in a baggie. Make a SMALL snip in the corner and drizzle it over the top of the Cool Whip and the cup.

Serve immediately.

For a different look, you can use white chocolate.  Also, you can top with chocolate shavings or a raspberry. Use your imagination. It's fun! 



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10-07-02 tgraydesigns
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