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Pot Roast Bonanza
terri, Texas

a good sized pot roast about $5.00
Baking Potatoes... 1 for each person about $1.80 - 5 lb bag
Carrots about $.59
Corn on the cob 4@ 4 for $1.00
An onion, sliced .50 for a medium onion
Fresh Raw Broccoli $1.75 a bunch
Shredded cheddar $2.50 a half moon. 
Lipton Soup Secrets Onion Flavor $1.17 a box 
1 bottle hickory smoked barbeque sauce $.80 bottle for Kraft Barbeque Sauce 
Hamburger Buns - 1 package  $.75 for 8 buns
Green Salad $2.00 bag
Total for 3 days meals $17.86 ( less than $6.00 a meal)

Day 1

Place the pot roast, carrots, onion and corn on the cob in a large crock pot or Dutch oven. Sprinkle one packet of Lipton Soup Secrets Onion Flavor on top of it all.  Add 1 inch of water.  Roast until done. If roasting in a Dutch oven, roast for 1 hour at 350, then 2 hours or until meat is done,  at 275.

Serve the roast, carrots and corn for day 1.

Day 2

Bake the potatoes.

Chop some of the left over roast into bite sized pieces.   You don't need much of the roast; this is mostly a vegetarian meal. Save the rest of the roast for tomorrow night.

Steam the broccoli.

Once the potatoes are done, stuff the potatoes with the steamed broccoli, some of the roast and top with grated cheese.  Serve immediately.

Day 3

Finely chop the left over roast. 

Add barbeque sauce. Stir well.  Heat in the microwave until it's thoroughly warm.

Serve on hamburger buns.  Throw in a salad and left over veggies from the 2 previous days' meals.  :) 



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