June/July 2004


Script for Hemingway Cats
Comix #1
Kevin Dole 2


ON THE COVER: A Hemingway cat sits upright with its tail wrapped around a generic brown bottle of liquor. Around its neck is a single rifle cartridge on a tight chain.

PAGE 1 is divided equally into three horizontal sections.

PANEL 1 stretches across the entire page.
A cat with noticeably wide paws plays with a ball of yarn.
INSET close up of the paws on the ball of yarn.
LEGEND: “Have you ever seen a cat with unusually wide paws?”


PANEL 2 is half the width of PANEL 1, but the same height.
A medical diagram style close up of a normal cat’s paw.
LEGEND: “The extra size comes from extra toes! Sometimes as many as three or four extra!”


PANEL 3 is the exact same size as PANEL 2 and immediately adjacent.
A close up of a cat’s paw with extra toes.
LEGEND: “These cats are technically called polydactyl but more commonly known as Hemingway cats.”


PANEL 4 is the same size and PANEL 2, in a similar side-by-side arrangement with PANEL 5.
A young, glorious and unbearded Ernest Hemingway looks boldly into the shining future.
LEGEND: “Did you know that their name comes from famed author Ernest Hemingway?”


PANEL 5 is all text.
“It’s True! Without Mr. Hemingway, these special rare cats might be extinct or endangered in North America . . .”


PAGE 2  

PANEL 1, same size as PAGE 1, PANEL 5, all text.

INSET INTO PANEL 2 “Legend has it that Hemingway was introduced to this special species of feline by a sea captain on a voyage across the sea.”


PANEL 2 is most of the top half of the page half the page, contains PANEL 1 in the upper left-hand corner, as the American Flag contains its blue field of white stars.
Hemingway, now a bit older, stares in amazement at a polydactyl cat playing with a rat pinned on the deck of the boat.


Close up of the rodent pinned in the cat’s paw.


PANEL 4, one quarter of the remaining page.
Hemingway leans into the ship’s cabin.


PANEL 5, same size as panel 4, adjacent.
The Captain looks up from his map.


PANEL 6, same size, under panel 4.
Hemingway’s face.
HEMINGWAY: “Those are some cats you got there.”


The Captain’s face.
CAPTAIN: “They’re good for catching mice and rats and other things down in the hold.”


PAGE 3, nine panels of equal size.  

PANEL 1, upper left hand corner.
HEMINGWAY: “I’ll say.”


PANEL 2, same size as PANEL1.
CAPTAIN: “A queen just had a litter. I can give you a few kittens to take with you to land if you like.”


PANEL 3, same size, upper right hand corner.
Hemingway rubs his beard thoughtfully. He is thinking. Thought bubbles drift down to the PANELS below him.
HEMINGWAY: “Hmmmmm . . .”


PANEL 4, this panel has cloudy borders, indicating that it is Hemingway’s thoughts, same size, under PANEL 1.
Hemingway introduces three kittens to his cat in Key West.
HEMINGWAY: “Dusty, meet Clawgrip, Manacle and, Mittsy.”


PANEL 5, thoughts, same size, under PANEL 2
The silhouette of a kitten with big paws in a cage.


PANEL 6, thoughts, same size under PANEL 3
An older, distinguished looking, white bearded Hemingway draws a chalk circle on the floor, with Dusty at one side and Clawgrip at the other.
HEMINGWAY: “I want a clean fight to the death, no funny stuff, but don’t pussy out on me either, you hear?”


PANEL 7, thoughts, same size, under PANEL 4.
A whiskey bottle shattering against a wall.


PANEL 8, thoughts, same size, under PANEL 5.
The silhouette of a large cat in a cage.


Hemingway’s wife walking out the door.
WIFE: “It’s either those barbaric cats or me!”


PAGE 4  

PANEL 1, thoughts, same size as all PANELS on PAGE 3.
The cartoon cloud of cats fighting.


PANEL 2, thoughts, same size.
Hemingway staring morosely at a blank sheet of paper in his typewriter.


PANEL 3, thoughts, same size.
The silhouette of a gigantic cat the size of a tiger in a cage. The paws are the size of catcher’s mitts, and each individual claw is distinct in outline.


PANEL 4, thoughts, the same height as the above PANELS, stretching the width of the page.
The older, final Hemingway, overweight, bearded and red-faced from liquor, the full on “Papa” of legend is machine-gunning sharks from his boat. The gigantic cats are diving into the ocean to get the sharks.
Hemingway is roaring with mad laughter.


PANEL 5, thoughts, half the width of PANEL 4, same height.
Hemingway turns the machine guns on his beloved monster cats.


PANEL 6, thoughts, same size as PANEL 5.
Hemingway shoving a bottle into the face of a polydactyl kitten.
HEMINGWAY: “Drink you bastard drink! I’m Ernest Fucking Hemingway! I didn’t write all those lovely stories for nothing!”


PAGE 5 is divided into 4 PANELS of equal size. These are no longer thought bubbles. The first 3 are of the young Hemingway in the exact same ponderous pose, rubbing his beard as the Captain looks on. The last is of Hemingway smiling and holding up a single finger as if struck by a great idea.

HEMINGWAY: “Give me all you got!”
