In a Nearby City
(Pockets On Coffee)

Dale Michael Houstman


Evening’s coffee benches
Surround the bloody trenches
And constantly thin throbbing
Of pistols boldly bobbing.

Boldly bobbing pistols throbbing
Half-naked in a crossroad
To shoot porter-sized hotels
On hotel-sized benches.

Scarcely a pistol. Scarcely a hotel. Scarcely a crossroads. Yet pockets on coffee!


The mayor’s pine-green pistol
In bauble-filled bottles
Kills portraits in earwax
Of coffee policemen.

The coffee policemen
Arrest the black bracelets
For mirthlessly choking
The cream-centered starfish.

Scarcely a bracelet. Scarcely a portrait. Scarcely a starfish. Yet pockets on coffee!

Pockets on coffee
For coffee policemen
Are choking on coffee
When coffee’s half-naked.


At the coffee-cured crossroads
Are coffee-brown benches.
Hipflasks of hot coffee
In coffee arenas.

Red wrinkles on pig soap
Scare the fast-sleeping zippers
In a pig soup-sized bottle
For the half-pistoled porter.

The half-pistoled porter
In evening’s soup darkens
To barricade crimson
On the pink beds of starfish.

Scarcely a pig soup. Scarcely a zipper. Scarcely a pink bed. Yet pockets on coffee!

Scarcely a bobbin. The benches are throbbing. Scarcely a porter. Yet pockets on coffee!

Pockets on coffee
As evening half-pistols
The fair-of-face starfish
In porter-sized bedtraps.

And evening’s wet muscles
Arrested by porters
With fast-sleeping pistols
and coffee half-bloody.

Scarcely a bedtrap. Scarcely a muscle. Scarcely a scarcely.  Yet pockets on coffee!

Red pockets on benches.
Soft pockets on bottles.
Mute pockets on starfish.
Wet pockets on coffee.


Evening’s coffee benches
Surround the bloody trenches
And constantly thin throbbing
Of pistols boldly bobbing.

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