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My Site:
| Post-T | My Transition | Pics of ME | Links

Hey, i'm Linc. You've probably found my site through some of the various sites i frequent. This site was made to chronicle my transition from Female to male. I will be updating this as often as i can, and whenever there's any changes during my check back often, you never know what i might add.

I started taking testosterone Wednesday August 16, 2005. It's been a long journey and i'm still not at my destination...but I'm definately a whole lot closer. Please sign my guest book, the link is on the lower left of this page leave your email if you'd like, and I'll add you to my address book and email you when there are site updates. Also, if you have any questions, my email addy is at the bottom of the page.

Tons of Songs with myAudio!

This site is under construction, so please bear with me. This is my first site outside of geocties.
My attempts at html may not be the greatest at first. Feel free to email me with any suggestions.

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