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The Xtreme Wrestleing Alliance come's on the air with " Jim Ross with Jerry " The "King Lawler sitting down at Ring side to see what wrestler come's to the ring first to start off the show*

Jim Ross - Welcome to the Xwa , We are on the air what a great show we have tonight for you great fan's..." Im Jim Ross with jerry the " King Lawer..." What a show a house show we have tonight king*

Jerry Lawler -Jr , Tonight we got a perfect show for the xwa fan's..." JR , Tonight we will show everybody around the world why we are the number 1 wrestleing company on t.v today *

Jim Ross - King Tonight we will be join by the current , United State's champion " The Undertaker*

Jerry Lawler -Yes we will be join by the Undertaker " The future superstar of the Xtreme Wrestleing Alliance*

Jim Ross - Lady's and Gentelmen we getting a word back stage That " The Undertaker has just arrive here*

The Undertaker walk's threw the double door's " The Couch run's into the Undertaker.." Taker look's at his jacket see's that couch touch left a stain on his jacket " taker look's mad then grab's the couch mic right out of his hand*

Undertaker -Couch , I don't know if you are a black man that's on crack or just a a man looking to get his ass kicked tonight?

Couch-Undertaker , No im not looking to fight here " Taker i was looking to talk to you..." So may i get a word with you undertaker?

Undertaker -Couch , No you may not get a word with me cause you put a stain on my band new jacket " Couch if would not pist me off earler i would let you get word with me but no..." Couch catch you latter on if i see you again tonight im going beat your ass" Couch im heading to the ring*

Jim Ross -Lady's and Gentelmen we will be right back after these message's*

Commerical Break
The Xtreme Wrestleing Alliance come's back from a commerical break..." The Undertaker band new Theme Song blast's over the pa system , The crowd Cheer's the Undertaker ride's his bike threw the curtin's onto the stage..." The Undertaker stop's so the camera men can take picture's of him for Xwa magzine coming out real soon*

The Undertaker Then Step's on the gas drive's down the ramp with the U.S championship belt around his handle bar's "Taker then circle's around the ring and come's back and park's his bike by Jim Ross and " Jerry Lawler..." Tkaer then grab's the U.S championship throw's it right in the ring " Taker then step's over the top rope and pose's right in the middle ring with his hand's in the air*

Taker Music then cut's off , Taker then walk's over to the xwa ring annocer and grab's the micphone out of it's hand and start's talking*

Undertaker - You see last thursday night live on smackdown on U.P.N , I got in the ring with a man that they call goldust..."I did everything what i told the whole wrestleing world i gave him a beating that he would remember for the rest of his life " Goldust now know's to this day you don't start any mine game's with the undertaker.." You see i told you gollden boy when you step into the ring with me in my yard you get hurt cause that's a place you sure don't belong at ,Dust my yard is where you get hurt and that's what happen..." Goldust i didn't just hurt you i took your priide from you i took every single dam thing that you had before going into the match " Golden boy now your all wash up has been just like your dad , Goldust now your more famous then you where before going into the match " Goldust i just burie your ass alive and put all of your game's to a side and made your ass Rest in peace ..." Goldust the next time i step in the ring with you son im going to end your career for once and fore all there won't be a dam thing you can do about that cause you will be a cripple for the rest of your life there's not a doctor in this would could fix you and put you back together ever again*

The Camera's switch over to Jim Ross and " Jerry Lawler for a sec*

Jim Ross -King , The Undertaker is a real sick sob of bitch*

Jerry Lawler - Be Quiet now ross before taker come's over here*

Jim Ross -I respect the man for what he does's in the ring " King he's going way too war*

Jerry Lawler - Jr , I think we have not seen a thing yet*

The Camera's switch back over to the undertaker*

Undertaker - You see Diabolic if you remember right about a week ago , I was the man that took your U.S championship belt away from you in the first place " I gave you a real good ass kicking last week ..." Im pretty dam sure that you are still all screw up from that still..." Diabolic I dam near ended your xwa wrestleing career last week but i didn't, Diabolic i could of broke your body in half just like that with out even thinking about it..." I would not be sorry if i would of done that to you " Diabolic I would not give a damm if your family was crying and verry up set at my action's , quite honest i would tell your family if they want some they come get some i do the same thing to them..." Diabolic The reason i didn't finish you in the hell in a cell i was saving your ass for raw this monday in the blood match " Diabolic on monday im going to end your career in the xwa for once and fore all and there not a single thing you can do about that ..." Diabolic you can't come back cause there be nothing left of you , Diabolic if you where in retirement it be a different story but it's not you can't return after i kicked your ass and destroy you right in the middle of the ring right in front of your family your kid's your friends and everybody you grew up with..." I will show them that you can't cut the mustard and you don't have what it takes's to get the job done and raise to the top of the xwa , so Diabolic try to prove me different if your still a man that you think you are then fight for everything that you got ..." Diabolic Face it your done your finish your career is going to be over with on raw" Diabolic Im famous for ending everybody career i have ended legend's career's im going end your's this is a blood match , I can taste your blood right now ..." Diabolic im going to open you up any way that i can then im going to kick your ass for the very last time but im going to make it good and worth it..." Diabolic I will make every sec pain full for you*

Jim Ross -King the undertaker starting getting out of hand now *

Jerry Lawler -Jr , you got like the undertaker haha*

Undertaker-Diabolic , I'm going to take your ass to school on raw " Diabolic I'm going to take you somewhere that you have never ever been before in your whole life.." Diabolic I'M going to do to you cause i can , Diabolic the reason nobody ever tested you cause nobody was good enough or mean enough like the " Undertaker.." You see Diabolic when I have where I want at in the match I'M going to use these soup bone's on you " Diabolic I'm then going to braw with you and take you a part like a little kid face it " Diabolic your not in my league your just a jobber to me your a nobody.." Diabolic your not even a chellnge to me , I won't even have to wrestle my best tonight cause that's how easy you will be to beat right in the middle of the ring " Diabolic when you step into this ring and step threw those rope's your steping into my yard , Diabolic this yard belong's to the undertaker " the american bad ass ...." when you step into this yard you get hurt your career end's that's what going to happen tonight " Diabolic when you step into this yard your life is in danager , Diabolic tonight i'm going to take your soul and rip it out of your body tonight your going to rest in peace and bleed all over my yard ..." Diabolic tonight after your laying down on your broken back after the match is over with when the E.M.T'S carry your sorry ass out of the X.W.A you will know that the " undertaker kick your ass and made you famous you will have no choise to respect me , Cause im the american bad ass*

The Undertaker hand's the Micphone back over to the Ring Annocer " Undertaker music start's back up..." Undertaker grab's His U.S title and step's out of the ring and get's back on his bike *

The Undertaker Ride's his bike back up the ramp and stop's at the stage for a sec " Undertaker hold's 1 hand in the air for a sec then ride's his bike back stage , Undertaaker music cut's off ..." Taker ride's his bike back stage then into the parking lot then taker drive's off into the street's " Taker then drive's to the next town..." The Camera's goes fade " The Xwa Goe's off the air*

The America Bad ass