offending moms since the year my cognitive thinking skills developed

****if you cannot handle negativity, if you have faith in the human race, despise satire, complain about complainers, are prone to suicidal inclinations then this site is...


there's a comic. and on 10/8/04 i added a new segment devoted to the covert ops involved in drug-doing.

- pregnancy in five easy steps
- a must-read guide for those who wish to be hip
- are you lonely? try an eating disorder
- a successful anti drug commercial
- how being in love costs you too much money
- i hate you, here's why
- the world's population & my plan to fix it
- fallacies spread via media unearthed
- a discussion about problems complementary to the very neglected advice column
- good reasons as to why you should avoid procreation & adopt
NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good places to hide your drugs

- easy-use buddy icons
- ingenious away messages
- do you have an obsessive-compulsive disorder? find out now!!
- failed news headlines
- the advice no one ever asks for, but ought to
- personal photography
- my wisdom teeth
NEW! - a lamely animated comic(s) section

- vin diesel [to be revised]
- film: american psycho 2
- christina aguilera cellphone faceplate
- film: troll 2

- my dog, smiley
- links to my favorite websites

- the antithesis of construction paper

- flyer for the upcoming apocalypse [ideal for soccer moms]

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