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Title: Don't ask me I just wrote the damn thing

Insomniac...... Havin trouble tryin to sleep Have you tried just countin sheep? Did the sandman miss your daily visit or simply is it your an insomniac Do you put the sandman in his sack so he can sleep and count his sheep While you stay up Don't interupt Me Since your up and I'm not leave me be... Insomniac.... dreams.. they can be good i wish mine would instead.. they make me scared of my bed.. I fear danger I fear death But most of all I'm scared to fall... Scared of hieghts Scared of bites it would appear they all I fear.. It seems my brain likes to scare make my hair stand up in the air... I fear my loosses I fear havin Bosses I fear growin older no longer able to lift the smallest boulder the boulder i can't bare called life... I wish not to lose my love but in my nightmares thats all I dream of I know it'd be terrible for me... thats why i wish for the dreams to leave me be but they are mean always causin a scene makin me awake makin a fake reality for me But when I get lucky Nightmares escape from my head the thoughts of bein dead or shot these things i think of not... I'll have a dream that will please me make me feel so happy and easy easy on my brain easy makes me sain keepin me from goin crazy i'd rather be normal and lazy Just like all the others Just like the step brothers or the rest of the normal world At times in bad dreams i wanted to hurl just hurl them out like the flu Or some common cold you got at the zoo Good dreams for me are rare but atleast when I have them I'm able to bare the things that happen within the sanctity of my dreams again So when no night mares appear I will have nothing to fear Then i can finally sleep and give my soul up for god to keep..... FRIENDS.. a friend... will stick with you until the end.. they are very hard to find but when you find one keep in mind for they may be a friend to you... you should be their friend too for if your not then this is unfair You'd be treatin your friend like a robot or a toy that is rare... A friend will care. When you have a problem your friend will be there.. A friend will listen A friend is someone you can talk to about kissin When your bein stupid ANd your friend is not they will play and angel like cupid they will keep you from gettin caught i have very few true friends very few that'll stick with me till the end But i have those few Possibly more than you.. if they weren't so dar to me i would give some of them to you free but i believe i'll keep mine You can find you some that care like mine or like some others some of them may act like your mothers but some may act like your brothers or others may act like your dad and sometimes your friends can make you mad but keep in mind that when your sad they will be there when you feel bad I have best friends liek maegan barnes or bailey and i have a girl friend named Lacey all of them i care about and the rest of my friends i guess i owe you a shout but too bad most of you aren't true friends it all depends some of yall like to pretend and then when i catch you you try to make it like things are better again.... But for some of the true friends i did not say You should know your on here anyway all though you cannot see your name your on here all though it may not appear butt when you think about it ever time i say "friend" Thats it Your there thats your shout even though its not specified out but just to let yall know heres some more friends i'd like you to know Micheal Tj Justin Lusk lets think who are some more good friends it all depends you think about it are you worthy to be on here should your name appear or are you a liar or double crosser if your a back stabber or a friend thats nothing but blabber you should know your not on here cause i don't like to be mis treated and lied to and double crossed because when that happens i become over pretective i lose friends and chances to get friends all because of YOU.. But for yall that aren't on here and should be You can simply just tell me... It may take some time and it may take some patients but one day I'll and your name And you to will get the fame... by being a true friend... A tribute to all those that have backed me up never done me wrong.. been there for me cared about me and took care of me..Thank you so much for everything...I love you all and i don't care what no one thinks... I love you Lacey and I always will... To Lacey.... I love you and I always will I'd rather be charged a monthly bill than Have to deal without you... We've had good times We've had bad... Alot of them made me sad I'm sure that this may sound stupid without you it makes it for me to believe in cupid Because if he was real i'd bribe him to make you fall in love with me... NO MATTER what the cost I'd do anything to make up for the loss I love you so much and believe me its alot more than a bunch I want to grow up and have a better family than the brady bunch... Your liek captain crunch.. Your irrisistable and luckily i no longer have to stare at you from afar bacause now i can see you when I need to and i alwasy need to see you... I've made alot of mistakes mistakes that almost ruined us and mistakes that made my heart ache the pain i felt when we broke up maybe its more than once but even if we broke up abunch more than we have i'd still want you back I'm addicted to you like my grandpa is to alchohol and some of my friends to drugs I always am wantin you And sometimes when i lose you I'll do anything to get you back and If i ever loose you and don't get you back no matter what no matter who i am datin I always will love you you may not believe it i'm sure its hard but I love you so much and always will no matter who i see you with no matter how many times i lose you no matter how many times i hear words that would make me cry I will always love you there are times i wish i could fix my mistakes ones that i did to hurt you. i was stupid and usually am but i will never do it again none of those mistakes will i make because i do not want to lose you and once again have my heart break No matter how long i write or how long i talk i could never explain how much i love you it would take all of eterntity it'd take forever i would never be able to finish all i can say is that no amout of words could ever amout to the love i feel for you.... in my dreams its you i dream of unless i have a nightmare which i cannot enjoy because i know that while i'm being annoyed by the dream i could be with you or atleast dreamin of you but noooooooo stupid night mares snatch the good dreams away i think about you all the time and i will always be that way i cannot change ever since the 6th grade the first time i saw you i was in love i never had the guts to ask you out and you were datin some dude i did not like so i dealt with starin at you nad hopin and dreamin and then finaly in the 7th grade my dreams came true i was finally with you but then there were break ups then there were make ups i hope we can last for all the time i'm alive you will be my reason to live I've slept threw my chance to go to the movies with you i've danced with that other girl i've also been backstabbed by gossip that isn't true ruinin us to then their was matt brown i felt he stole you away from me i hated him for it and i threated to fight but instead i dated another but still lovin you then my friend bailey helped me out it took time but without a doubt i got the guts to ask you back and thanks to god and mly friends me and you are back to better again we've had memories that are quite funny kissin in the hall and gettin in trouble that one was very original our first kiss was one of my favorite moments it was beautiful to me but never as beautiful as your beauty i'm sure i sound like a fool i wish i could express my feelins and feel cool but i'd rather express them then keep them bottled up and be like a geek then bottled up my feelings i keep so no matter what i will love you threw thick and thin threw make ups and break ups makin out without a doubt i will love you Lacey Love, Justin Add more i will and must... but for now this enough.... cause when i get done with savin this page it'll be 6:00 AM but it was worth it.... I LOVE LACEY D*** BISHOP lol I can keep a secret

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