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Tales Of The Southern Bard

Welcome to Tales of the Southern Bard (TOTSB) a free non-profit snail-mail organization for anyone who loves to create stories, poetry, has wonderful artwork to share, enjoys reviews on a variety of subjects (books, movies, magazines, other websites, observations of just about any topic), or for those who just want to display their creations to others. Originally planned as a quarterly fanzine TOTSB will now be published based on how quickly the issue is filled with material (at least 30 pages long).

This organization is NON-PROFIT it is solely produced for the entertainment of the members. All work sent to TOTSB must be original if you do have a story set in another author’s world (For Example Mercedes Lackey’s Heralds of Valdemar) you must send a copy of the Release Form to TOTSB via snail-mail. TOTSB encourages you to be creative and make your own story.
NOTE TOTSB does not have a P.O. Box. To send releases or submissions through snail-mail please contact the editor (Rachel a/k/a Rae) at for the snail-mail address.

What's In TOTSB?

A Quick Word: Brief notes on what is contained in that issue of TOTSB.

Welcome New Members: This section simply announces to other members that new members have joined.

Random Question: Every issue a “random question” will be asked, members please send thoughts/opinions to to be posted for the next issue of TOTSB.

Stories: Most pages of TOTSB will be taken up by short stories. Stories can be from 2,000 words long and higher (if over 15,000 please contact TOTSB so the story can be put in one single issue or divided for two issues of TOTSB).

Poetry: Poems cannot be longer than two pages.

Artwork will be displayed through out the issue and Sections will be added as needed.

Submission Guidelines

I. Send submissions to Submissions should be double spaced in Times New Roman font (other fonts are welcome to be used if necessary for your story) please put your name on everything sent to TOTSB. Also include an up-to-date e-mail address, snail-mail address, and type of submission (story: fantasy, science fiction, horror, poetry, review etc.) Use MS Word Format for text files and .JPG or .GIF files for artwork. To send submissions through snail-mail contact Rachel a/k/a Rae at for the address. If using snail-mail for artwork send copies of the artwork if originals are sent please enclose a SASE.

II. If you create a story in another author’s world you must send a Release Form along with your story to TOTSB. If your chosen author does not allow “fan fiction” then TOTSB cannot and will not print the story (as this would violate copy write laws).

III. Original work is highly encouraged. All original high fantasy, science fiction, and horror stories are welcome. Poetry and artwork are also encouraged. TOTSB also accepts reviews on just about any topic. If you find it interesting then most likely other TOTSB members will too.

IV. Finally, the editor of TOTSB does reserve the right to edit work and has final say on what will be published in TOTSB. Again TOTSB is a non-profit newsletter whose sole purpose is to entertain its members. Work published in TOTSB belongs to the individual who created the work and is the sole property of that individual. Please do not make copies or otherwise reproduce works from TOTSB.

TOTSB is open for submissions right now please send them to