With Pictures
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Leika flew down onto the ground, and looked around at the new world he had arrived in. The earth was covered in clover, and the sky was sunny and clear. He started walking towards a hill that was far in front of him. After only a few steps, he heard a voice that was small and faint. Leika looked off into the trees, to see if someone was calling to him, but he saw nothing. He took a few more steps and the voice grew louder and more frantic, so Leika stopped, and again looked around.
"This is odd," He thought to himself, "I think I'm hearing voices!"
Just then he looked down and saw a clover swaying back and forth. Under that clover was a tiny creature frantically yelling and jumping up and down.
"Oh! It is you!" Leika said smiling, lowering himself to the ground, "What are you trying to say?"
The small creature who was clearly out of breath, paused before shouting one last time, "Please, don't step on me!"
Leika smiled, "Now that I see you, I will be sure not to step on you!"
The little creature relaxed a bit. Dropping the clover and sitting down.
"Any other, little creatures hiding around here that I shouldn't be stepping on?" Leika asked looking between the tiny leaves and blossoms.
"No, just me," The tiny creature squeaked.
"Very well," Leika said, then looked back at the small animal, "Lovely to meet you. Exactly who would you be?"
"I am Little Mouse," the little mouse answered, coming out of the clover so that Leika could see her better, "and who are you?"
"I am Leika," The tiger answered, " I can hardly see you Little Mouse, could you climb up onto my paw?"
"You are not like other monsters in my world," Little Mouse said looking at the stripes of this new beast as she climbed up and sat on his paw, "What are you?"
"What am I?" Leika asked as if it were plainly clear, "Well, well, I am a tiger of course!" He said growling loudly into the sky, "I am fierce and strong!"
The little mouse fell off the tiger's paw, and ran into the clover hiding. Leika stopped and looked down at the little creature.
"Why do you run and hide like that?"
"I am a mouse, I am timid and shy. Your loud roar frightens me so," The little mouse quietly answered.
"You do not need to be frightened. I will not hurt you."
The little mouse stayed in her hiding place. Slowly peeking out. Leika sat back and thought to himself.
"Would you like to be my friend?" He kindly asked.
"Oh, yes," answered the little mouse, "I've never had a friend before."
"You've never had a friend? What about the other monsters you mentioned, are they not your friends?"
"No, they are not my friends," Little Mouse said sadly, "they are mean and unkind to me. They play mean tricks on me, and awful games. They like to make me hurt and sad."
"Well Little Mouse, as your friend, I shall protect you from these mean monsters. I won't let anything hurt you or make you sad again!" Leika said with a roar. He stepped back and looked down at the mouse,
"Mouse, we will be good friends."

The two friends played games and laughed all day in the clover. They had so much fun together, Little Mouse lost track of time. It was dark when she thought about it, and she got quiet and very scared.
"What is wrong Mouse?" Leika asked his friend.
"It is dark," she quietly answered.
"Yes, I see that. Are you afraid of the dark?"
"Yes. I don’t like it much."
"There is no need to be frightened. The night can be a very friendly thing! The moon brightens up the sky with all the little stars. Do not be scared Little Mouse," Leika said looking up at the sky, "Everything is fine."
Just then, the ground rumbled and from the hill that was so far away, giant monsters with dark angry eyes came running down to the clovers.
"Little Mouse! Little Mouse! Come out it is time to play!" The Monsters yelled shaking the earth as they spoke. "Do not hide from us Little Mouse! You know we will always find you!"
The little mouse cowered, "They will find me, here they come!"
"I won't let them hurt you Mouse. Climb onto my back, and hide inside my fur," Leika said lowering himself into the clovers.
Little Mouse quickly climbed up onto the tiger's back, and held onto his fur with all her might. The monsters arrived at the clover patch and started to search through it for the little mouse. Leika lay low to the ground and waited. He swished his tail catching the monsters' attention.
"There you are Little Mouse! I told you we would find you!"
As the monsters approached Leika and Little mouse, he jumped up at them with his sharp and shinny teeth.
"You will leave Little Mouse alone! Go away and never come back again," Leika shouted showing his sharp claws!
Then he took the deepest breath and roared his mighty roar! All the monsters ran away, frightened of the beast protecting the little mouse.

When all was quiet and still, the little mouse came out from under Leika's fur. She slid down to the ground, looking around carefully in the night.
"Everything is safe now," the tiger said, as he lay down on the clover, "I frightened your monsters away."
"Yes, I know," the little mouse sighed.
"What is wrong then my friend?"
"The monsters have been a part of my world for a long time," the little mouse said walking back to Leika, "I don't know what I will do without them."
Leika picked the little mouse up in his paw, and looked up at the stars, "You will have wonderful nights now, and live a happy life in a world where the monsters can no longer hurt you."
The little mouse nodded, and looked up at the sky.
"The sky still looks the same, doesn’t it?" she said curling up next to Leika.
"Yes, but tonight it is safe."
The two friends curled up upon the clover, and fell fast asleep, dreaming wonderful dreams of days to come.