Barsoom Fish 'Rap

cup          This Oedipus website is going to be the new "Barsoom Fish 'Rap". The original Barsoom Fish 'Rap was taken down because of financial, health problems (gout and frozen fingers), and scarce traffic. Recently some German bastards bought the '' name so I can't use that anymore. I want to have some fun with everything from ghosties and ghoulies, and things that go BUMP in the night, to strange things on Earth, the Moon, and Mars, and I want to take a crack at some of the BIG questions, and it's also going to be my art gallery - , and I'll add content from other websites that interest me, and might spark the interest some actual reading readers.

Content takes time to draw, produce, find, and type or copy so its a slow process, especially when my e-mail, takes up alot of the limited time I have on the internet, so be patient.

(10-22-16):This is now going to be the new home of the BFR, So I'm going to expand this site a lot.

Hillary is running, and her dishonesty, shady dealings, scandals, law breaking, and shadow associations are pretty foul. Besides, She never met a war plan she didn't like. Even the "Donald" sounds better!...

tyranny ahead (10-20-16):           There are some who say "We" won't make it past November 2016 without major disruptions to our lives, but I think that the Elites major disruptions will happen after the inauguration of the next US President. They're (the Obamanation Administration) is preparing and prepping for WWIII, and poking the Russian Bear in the snout with a stick already in Syria. There are fears that the Obamanation wants to stay in office and will find a way to cancel the election or postpone the inauguration

Basically If Trump wins, the economy will be sent into a tailspin by the Elites.

If Hellery wins, we'll probably see an economic implosion AND even more increased provocation of the Russians (who are now being blamed by the US Govt for everything that's been going wrong recently), and possibly a confrontation over Syria, leading to a nuclear war. It doesn't look good no matter who gets in. Imagine a "no fly zone over Syria being violated by Russian aircraft - will the US shoot at it? ~Instant WWIII !~

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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
CAW has Recovered
C to C Best Late Night Radio
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X22 Economics
Mish's Financial Report
The Drudge Report
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The Dilbert Comic Page
Info Wars
